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Support Young and Children

Support Young and Children

Question 1

Factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services

There are several factors that takes into account when planning the healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments such as; individuals needs, ability of children, different risks to individuals which may include pregnancy sensory impairments, duty of care, different outcomes for children, responsibility and accountability and it is the first recommendation that, individual should select the correct environment when planning the activity (Bentham and Hutchen, 2006). Let us consider an example, if I am trying to focus on the bike activity then, I will consider it as the outdoor activity because, inside home and school, I have limited space. It is also important to consider the ages of young and children when thinking of different activities. It is also important to consider the pathways when considering the health and safety environment because, if there are obstacles in the pathways then, it will be dangerous for conducting an activity. There is the requirement to set out the boundary line in order to make the young and children when they are focusing their personal development. These are the considerations of safety because, safety should be the prime focus in the desired activities. Children and young adults should expose themselves when they are doing indoor and outdoor activities. The indoor and outdoor environments are different as children when doing any indoor activity are safe than those doing doing activities outside environment (Routledge and Francis, 2007). The is the requirement of continuous supervision and, there is also the requirement of presence of staff. Risks are always evaluated and, monitored especially for the outdoor services because, environment may be dangerous (Heinemann and Oxford, 2005). Weather is also a big factor when doing activities outside the environment because, when doing activities outside, weather may create hurdles in any planning and may affect the safety of young and children (Bentham and Hutchen, 2006). They should be careful in doing personal development task in the outside environment.

Monitoring and maintenance of health and Safety

Conscious behavior in daily life and in various hazardous and emergency situations. The ability to be able to with some degree of probability to predict the emergence of a dangerous or emergency situation on external signs of developments on the analysis of a variety of information from our own experience.

The ability to correctly assess the progress of events, and, if possible, to avoid dangerous situations.

The ability to take responsibility for their behaviour and not commit intentional acts, which may contribute to a dangerous or emergency situation.

Knowledge and ability to behave appropriately in a variety of dangerous and emergency situations in order to reduce the risk factor for life and health.

Living activity, aimed at preserving and promoting health.

Acquired knowledge and skills in the field of safety are urgently needed in the life of man, society and the state, because they will eventually form the national security of young and children in the modern ...
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