Safeguarding Families

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Working with Children and families

Working with Children and families


Occupational Therapists or social workers that provide support to all those people who need support and guidance should possess suitable interpersonal skills and abilities that would help them in attaining the overall aim of the organization. Social workers need to have multi-disciplinary skills that would help them in guiding both children and families groups and they should be ready to handle their issues and problems. Several kinds of work approaches such as anti-discriminatory practices can be used in bringing enhanced results. Adequate plans for safeguarding children' welfare ought to be dependent upon a boundless evaluation of these children requirements. This paper mainly focuses on how the social workers or occupational therapists handle the queries and issues of the children and families. The main or leading role of the social workers is to safeguard the rights and privileges of those children or families, which are unable to get them accomplished on their own.


The cases in which children get injured due to accidents or any kind of abuse such as sexual harassment in these cases the role of social worker is to support those innocent individuals, who are not getting justice. Every week, at least one child dies because of adult brutality in United Kingdom. Statistics of 2003 has highlighted that over 384,000 children are living in adoptive or foster homes and over 69,000 of them were known to exist in consideration or living with their families (Department for Schools and Families, 2009). Children in need are identified under the Children Act 1989, as they are unable to get their rights and privileges accomplished at their own (Department for Schools and Families, 2009. p.5).

Occupational Therapists have the core skills implanted in their clinical practice to treat all patients comprehensively. They have been working in social services since 1970 (College of Occupational Therapist, 2011). Their major responsibility is to recognise any physical, mental and social needs of children and their families that may be required through their mediations. In particular, they work with children through play and deliberate actions, and be able to highlight any location of child abuse. Though what is clear is that youngster insurance frameworks do not dependably fill in as proficiently as they may as well without the cooperation and participation of the other pros inside all multi-disciplinary groups (Lindon, 2008. p.56). Therapists contained by their roles in neighbourhood powers have a job to safeguard and push the well being of child; and in this manner, need to be attentive of their roles and obligations while actualising safeguarding.

Social Work Task Force (2009) states that family or children may need a social worker to protect and safeguard them from unfriendly environment. Social workers undertake a mixture of roles, frequently functioning as a representatives or support, expediting the back that individuals need through imaginative utilization of all accessible assets. Social workers are expected to:

improve parenting and help the physical, confidence and enthusiastic growth of young individuals and children who require assist, ...
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