Ryanair Corporate Identity

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Ryanair Corporate Identity

Ryanair Corporate Identity


Corporate Identity of Ryanair4

Visual Identity4

Brand Position and Attributes5

Value Statements6

Corporate Social Responsibility9

Marketing Communication, Personal and Media Relations10

Review of Corporate Identity of Ryanair11

Key features of an Organization's Corporate Identity11

Consistency in Ryanair's Corporate Identity13

Consistency of Projected Corporate Identity and Organization's Image14


Ryanair Corporate Identity


The Irish airline, Ryanair started offering air travel services in the 1985 (Ryanair.com, 2013). The company started its operation with small capital, limited staff and one route using a 15-seater plane. The company achieved its success when it got the authorization of operation the route of Dublin-London (Creaton, 2004). The company challenged the monopolist airlines operating that route, Aer Lingus and British Airways who were charging very high fares at that time. Ryanair adopted market penetration strategy by offering approximately 50% reduced fares as compared the competitors which provided the company a very good and strong foot hold in the region.

Figure 1: Geographical Footprint of Ryanair, source (www.ryanair.com)

The company is currently headed by CEO, Michael O'Leary. The company is currently operating the aviation industry and employs more than 8,500 employees worldwide. The company operates approximately 0.5 million flights per year from its 57 base stations connecting 28 countries through 1,500 routes. The company currently has a fleet of 305 new Boeing 737-800.

Corporate Identity of Ryanair

Corporate identity represents the overall image of the company. The company's image creates a distinct value in the eyes of customers, stock holders and all the other stakeholders (Wood & Somerville, 2012). A good corporate identity will exceptionally attract the targeted customers and will enable the stakeholder to respond positively to the company. Airlines such as Ryanair operate in international territories which compels it to build a reputable image so that it doesn't face restrictions for violating local laws (Melewar et al., 2012). The company in order to ensure that it comply with European Union (EU) laws, operates new aircrafts and employ best practices. We will review the corporate identity communicated by the company.

Visual Identity

The logo of Ryanair consists of its name as illustrated in the following figure and an angel which also looks like a harp.

Figure 3: Ryanair logo, source (www.ryanair.com)

The company use similar colour scheme across its organization, incorporating, white, blue and yellow on its planes, staff uniforms, offices and in the promotional materials.

The airplane of Ryanair travels in whole Europe and communicates its distinct image in the whole region. The company uses some variation in its colour scheme on some publications. Booking counters at some places display the logo with the text in white with blue highlights.

The uniform represents the unity among the employees. The company has designed the uniform based on European theme and it is composed of similar colour scheme throughout. The same colour theme of all the staff carries a distinct corporate identity. The pilot uniforms are in line with international standards while the colour of staff uniforms is quite different from its competitors. This enables the airline to communicate a distinct corporate ...