Rusty Lady Case Study

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Rusty Lady Case Study

Rusty Lady Case Study

Was Fantastic Imagination entitled to order the vessel to proceed from Genoa to Ravenna by way of the straits of Messina?

To answer this question we will be entailing the Time charter contract. In this type of charter the ship-owner agrees to place the vessel available to the charterer for a specified period of time for use in the transportation of products, during which he will hold the free operation of ships on their own and only subject to certain exclusions that are regularly point out, between the ports specified by the charter and within the limits that have been agreed and where the owner will continue its financial obligations and will be responsible for technical management and navigation of the ship. Special features of this charter:

In Time-charter party, the ship-owner agrees to place the ship at the disposal of the charterer for a certain period of time (three months, 6 months, etc.) regardless of the trips we run.

The owner usually retains the responsibility for a safe transport of goods, and agrees to be continuously available to ship the charterer to provide services established by the charter party.

This Charter entitles the charterer to the ship freely use their own (commercial operation) for the prescribed time, may make you want to travel and loaded with goods (legal and not dangerous) he wants, subject only to the logical limits or exclusions that are listed in the contract. The right to freely use the vessel on own and that are defined in a clause named "use clause".

This time charter the charterer has a significant intervention in the operation of the ship, as materially assumes all commercial performance while the owner serves primarily nautical performance, so in the owner's responsible for the technical administration itself-nautical such as it is obliged to make available to the charterer a vessel equipped, navigable, classified, secured with full crew and competent with all certificates required by international regulations (IMO) and keep it in that state during the time duration of the contract, all expenditures in connection with this obligation is borne by the owner.

Another particularity of time charter (Time Charter), is that here the charterer is responsible to pay for expenses that have direct correspondence with the trips made to know, fuel, lashing of cargo, port charges, stevedoring , disbursements at ports, the nomination of agents and their compensation, steps to procure goods and so on.

The charterer has the fundamental duty regularly cover the rent is fixed irrespective of the type and amount of cargo actually transported and another on the basis of the contract remains. What is stated in the preceding particular, has considerable connection with the allocation of risk of loss of time, which in this type of charter, considering the issues raised above, is borne by the charterer, although important exceptions to this prevailing rule that are to redistribute the risk between the parties. For example, in the time charter, by reason of the suspension of the ...