Russia And Inter-Culturalism: Anglo, Orthodox, Muslim, European

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Russia and Inter-culturalism: Anglo, Orthodox, Muslim, European

Russia and Inter-culturalism: Anglo, Orthodox, Muslim, European


Samuel Phillips Huntington was born in 1927; he wrote an article named as “the Clash of Civilization” which was written in response to a highly polarizing and provocative article that has mentioned the entrance to a new phase where the world is being dragged towards an intense period of conflicts between various civilizations. AS many people will be targeting their religious identities as their major cause of conflicts in this post Cold War world.

The term inter-culturalism defines the philosophy of conflicts between various cultural groups in a community. It involves both the opponents and supporters who are involved in the conflicts of the multiculturalism. In the era of internationalization and globalization, the communication between different cultures is becoming increasingly important: it presents a local level with an increasingly multicultural, a regional multinational institutions and cooperation in international organizations with transcontinental -world, as well as in cyberspace. The term intercultural communication has been widely used in many different areas, and fields, in many cases, however, remains rather vague and rarely well defined and suffering, especially since the mid-eighties, the use of inflation.

In Russia, majority of the population have been brainwashed with the religious cultures of the minority's language and cultures. This became an attention in the whole world which mostly many European countries have grabbed in attention towards it. The Russians are not comfortable with the adoption of newer cultures because of which they are very short tempered and may cause difficulties in intercultural communications.


Intercultural Communication

Intercultural Communication understood the type of communication is achieved between individuals belonging to different cultural groups. If we talked a little about the importance of intercultural communication can realize that the world is getting smaller each time, businesses are more intense, and the economy is more intertwined. Not only nationally, but also internationally, we cannot separate one from another region, and wherever you have a connection, there is a need to communicate and that communication is a transfer not just information but ideas, visions, ways of thinking and the very identity of the person. Not everything is as simple as it sounds to carry out "a successful exchange" (whether of ideas, beliefs, etc.) It is necessary to know the issues that are important to the culture of the person with whom we are communicating.

Fortunately, many linguistic differences can be easily resolved since they are more visible and tangible, but are still left unresolved because of those that we can hardly identify or classify as cultural differences? Cultural values such as silence used in Eastern cultures, to express truth to distortion and inaccuracies in interpreting spoken words into their culture. As for us, as Western culture, silence is often perceived as lack of communication, indifference and even an antisocial act.

Intercultural Communication Issues

The success of communication between different cultures depends on the choice of the appropriate code that is used as a normal means of communication between different cultures. A common queue should be shared because the ...