Rural Pharmacy

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Allen Community Pharmacy


Health coverage has been a difficult issue for USA since there is no proper real health care system exists especially in rural areas that cover all citizens providing them with a comprehensive health care that includes prevention, promotion and preservation of favorable state of health and wellness. So the main aim of this research is to strengthen and support a rural pharmacy workforce and to develop pharmacy services.

Table Of Contents


The New Health Reform by Obama4

Access and coverage5

Encouraging healthy behavior5

Save money6

Organizational information8

Leader Profile9

Situation Description9


Collaborate with providers to enhance compliance12

Develop Innovative Data Mining Capabilities.13

Promote High Quality Care13

Promote Accountability14

Collaborate with providers to enhance compliance14

Achieve and Exceed Established Goals14

Target Audience14

Work Plan and Activities15

Work Plan Activities Response to Rural Pharmacy Workforce18

Impact of Activities20

Value added services20

Delivery of the broader community and public health services21

Other funding22

Charity and sponsorship23



Future Funding24

Evaluation approach24

Program review24

Stakeholder consultation26



Every society, on the most basic level, depends on the ecosystem. The concept of community has appeared regularly throughout social studies. It is commonly employed in reference to all aspects of the social life of individuals, including population size, demographic distribution, neighborhood composition, healthcare, and living standard. Concept of social development used by geographers, sociologists, healthcare specialist, and medical practitioners signify a set of social relationships between the role of society and community development. This is related to the healthcare providing services operating within a specific boundary, location, or territory. Prescription drug coverage is a crucial part of the health care service and considered amongst the important components of the disease management, low income since medication especially in USA is so expensive low-income population cannot afford medication and management of health problems and prevention of further complications becomes impossible. Treatment of illness and injuries and disabilities, is more expensive in aspects such as emotional, economical and financial affecting not just the individual involved but also their family, jobs and society. Once a person becomes temporally or permanently ill, they are unproductive for the society generating high costs for themselves, their families and the system in order to recuperate their health or maintain their current disability

The New Health Reform by Obama

The new health reform presented by barrack Obama is very pleasing for the upcoming health situation of the Americans. As president, Obama has offered some proposals which involves expansion of medical liability reforms, expanding the health saving account and raising the Medicaid payment rates. The Health care institutions had appreciated this action taken by Obama. This will lead to future improvement of the health condition The U.S health care system is a difficult network compose of millions of organizations of individuals that distribute health care services to the U.S and work with other multinational organizations to protect the domestically and globally. Health policies affect the essential interests of virtually all sectors, groups and classes of society, is central to political life. Private medical insurance system exists under state law, which determines the incentives and the direction of its development, providing the state control. State tax policy largely stimulates the formation of ...
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