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In criminal law, consent is used in termed of an excuse and thus it can easily prevent the defendant in any kind of a case from incurring the liability as a matter for what was actually done. In fact, a defence against any kind of a criminal liability can actually be raised when at any point of time the defendant can actually argue that due to the consent and argue that there was actually no crime. But on the same side, the public policy is then for further clarification actually force the courts in order to lay down various limits on the particular extent towards which the citizens are actually allowed in order to consent or on the same sdie are even bound by the apparent consent as given also (Clarkson, p.324, 1994).

As a matter of fact, in any kind of an application that is related to the patens partite i.e. minors cannot actually consent in order to have any illegal act like sexual intercourse under a particular or a specified age even when the statutory rape might be termed as a victimless offense. Therefore, in the case of adults, some limits are imposed on their capability. In comparison, the state deems the stated issue in order to be of a particular as well as a sufficient importance. Therefore, for instance, an individual based domiciled actually in the matter of a common law state can actually never give the consent and thus can not even create a valid and a particular second marriage as well. Most of the states, which do have laws, actually criminalize the concept of misrepresentations, fraud as well as the concept of deceptions. These are thus termed to be the situations in which actually a victim may at any point of time given with an apparent consent in order to part with an appropriate ownership or to have the possession of money as well as the goods or on there side to suffer the loss. However, along with this, consent actually is actually treated as a vitiated by actually the term of dishonesty of the particular person by making the false representations.

In most of the cases, there has been a problem while deciding that at what particular level the consent of the victim actual becomes ineffective. If we look in the past, In UK the defence was actually denied whenever the injuries were caused. However, consent is termed to be valid in most of the circumstances that also comprises of the sports based contracts as well.

R v Brown (1994) is termed as the House of Lords judgment where actually the group of men were termed as convicted due to their respective involvement in the consensual based sadomasochistic sexual acts around for more than 10 years. They were actually convicted due to the unlawful as well as malicious wounding and also due to dome assault occasioning based that was directed towards the harm of the body as per contrary to the 20th and 47th section of ...