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Saudi Arabia

[Name of the University]Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia is more popularly renowned as the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is the biggest country in the Western Asian region. Saudi Arabia has one of the most enriched and influencing cultural heritage in the Asian region, and it shares significant cultural ties with several neighboring nations . The country shares a common border with several countries, which has allowed the intermixing of various cultures in the country. The country has a common border with Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was formally founded and developed by the Ibn Saud, Abdul Aziz bin Saud in the year 1932. The conquest which initiated the creation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was initially started by Ibn Saud in the year 1902. In this year Saud led a successful conquest in Riyadh, in which he was able to attain the land of his family heritage (Lipsky, 1959, pp. 48). The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia can currently be identified as a major economic power of the world, as the country provides one of the largest reserves of oil for the majority of the western countries. Saudi Arabia's success can be attributed to its possession of the great natural resources, which has enabled the country to achieve a great amount of material and social; prosperity in a relatively short time frame (Nimir & Palmer, 1982, pp. 101).

The oil production facilities that have become a cornerstone of the modern kingdom of Saudi Arabia have had a comprehensive impact on the socio cultural life in the region. The presence of the oil reserves in various regions of the Kingdom has allowed a certain segment of the population to attain a vast amount is material wealth, and has opened the venue to the western culture. The traditional culture has a predominant impact on the majority of the society; however the financial success attained by a significant segment of the society has led to the advent of the western culture in the mainstream culture.


Political & Legal System

The political and the legal life present in the mainstream society of the country is highly influenced by the religious values. The country is one of the few operational monarchy present ion the contemporary world. The Quran and the Sunnah present the ideological basis for the establishment of the society in the country, due to which the legal and the political; system are highly Islamic in nature (Guirdham, 2009, pp. 27). The legal system in the country is solely driven form the fundamental Islamic Law, which is referred to as the Sharia Law. Islam is not only a source of ideological and spiritual guidance for the people of Saudi Arabia; rather it is treated as a standardized set of code of conducts, which can be adopted by the people. The contemporary court system in the country was established by King Abdul Aziz, who was also the founder of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ...
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