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Literacy in Mathematics

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Literacy in Mathematics


In the contemporary global society, education is considered as the most significant development factor of any country. In the traditional perspective, the majority of the global community was interested in the economic or political development, however it has now been proven by various contemporary researches that education is the primary component of any socio economic development in the country. The educational infrastructure in the country ensures that the population developed the adequate knowledge and intellect levels, to be able to be a proactive party of the society and make a positive change in the society (Humes, 2003, pp. 83). Without the adequate educational support, a country cannot formulate a long term and sustainable development strategy, because in the implementation process of such plans, the regulatory authorities of these countries would have a lack of qualified individuals who will be essential in the achievements of the overall objectives.


Scottish Educational Infrastructure

The Scottish educational infrastructure and policy is highly differentiated form the English and Wales's models, due to the provisions of the Act of Union 1707. It is due o this reason that the Scottish educational policies are very dissimilar to the mainstream UK educational policies, and require a different development strategy as compared to these regions. The Scottish parliament is authorized the majority of the powers to alter and develop the national educational policy (Ozga & Jones, 2006, pp. 11). This relevant government regulatory entity has to identify the current national educational concerns and develop a sustainable long-term plan to alleviate the appropriate dilemmas. Unlike the majority of the developed countries in the world, Scotland does not possess a centralized and standardized educational policy; this is the reason why there is no national curriculum in Scotland.

Literacy Competency

In the perspective of the Scottish educational environment, the issue relating to literacy in math can be classified as a considerable dilemma. Considering the developments in the overall curriculum and the general application of mathematics in diverse and numerous subjects, the relevant educational faculty found it difficult to teach the appropriate literacy and explanatory factors in the mathematics related subjects. The ideal solution for this development for the teaching faculty is to utilize innovative strategies to communicate with the students and help them understand the diversified application of the mathematics' principles.

The Scottish parliament has taken appropriate steps in the formation of the national educational policy to increase the literacy levels in the subject of mathematics. For this initiative, the appropriate regulatory authorities have taken several innovative steps to ensure that the curriculum is designed in a comprehensive manner, and the relevant students are able to enhance their mathematic oriented abilities. In this context, the primary schools have been targeted as the predominant and the most important component, and the utilization of game and visual aids has been initiated to introduce new trend among the relevant children (Parkin & Hayes, 2006, pp. 23). The curriculum design to enhance the literacy in math ...
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