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International Human Resource Management

International Human Resource Management


International human resources management (IHRM) may be defined as the total knowledge, skills, innovative abilities, and aptitudes of an organization's workforce, as well as the attitudes, values, and beliefs of the individuals involved in the affairs of the organization. It is the heart and soul of business's or organization's success. The globalization of human resource management has increased, to some extent, the traditional scope of IHRM. Today, IHRM professionals do not only manage people from their home country national (HCN), but are involved in managing sister companies with different nationalities such parent country national (PCN), and third country national (TCN). More importantly, HRM professionals abroad would face a new challenge-an uphill battle with a diverse cross-cultural workforce that they are not yet familiar with.


The Human Resource Management

In order to have an effective outcome the administration of the human resource should conceder the new competitors, new technology, business restructuring, legal, and social concerns that should be understood by the organizations and respond to in order to compete effectively. Every HRM department must give a high attention to their employees that will required many things. First it should explain the job description to the employees and put them in the right track .second the HRM department should be aware of recruiting and selecting new staff and make sure that they are the right employees in the right place, this point is very important it will affect on the outcome positively or negatively. Tiered is to arrange and conduct the employee's performance and make sure that they are developing. Fourth, the administration should plane for the future staffing and list the company requirements for the employees. Fifth and the last are to achieve the HRM policy for example, equal opportunities (the line manager should be aware of the legal requirements that might affect the HRM).

Strategic Human Resource Management

The need for companies to transform their human resource planning to tie in the strategic goals of the organization was to gain a competitive advantage in the face of increasingly volatile technological innovation, customer expectations, and global competition (Ulrich, 1992: 1). In one of his studies, Ulrich (1992) found that the Marriot Corporation, one of the most profitable firms in the hospitality industry at the time had a competitive advantage over other businesses. This was due to the company executives altering its traditional HR practices; for example executives expanded employee job responsibilities to retain staff. This non-traditional approach saw the Marriot Corporation become the employer of choice, provider of choice, and ultimately the industry leader (Ulrich, 1992).

Recruitment and Selection are separate terms which are used in conjunction with each other in the Human Resource Management environment. Recruitment is the systematic process of attracting a pool of qualified job applicants for a particular position (Pride, Hughes & Kapoor, 2008: 5). Therefore selection is the process of collecting and evaluating information about an individual to extend an offer of employment (Gatewood, Feild & Barrick, 2008: ...
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