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Human Resource in Health Care

Executive Summary

Human resources management refers to a series of human resources policies and relevant management activities to meet with organization's needs for current and future development and ensure the achievement of organization's goals and the maximization of employees' development through the effective utilization of relevant human resources inside and outside of the organization by recruitment, selection, training, payment and other forms of management Its functions include the formulation of organizational human resource strategy, the recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, wage and salary administration, retaining employees, employee relationship management, employee safety and health management and so on.

Human Resource Management helps healthcare organizations maintain a great relationship between the employees and their organization. Human Resource department of a company has a number of different responsibilities and its primary purpose is to improve the productive contribution of people within an organization, whether it is personal or public health relations. There are many challenges that health care organizations face when dealing with human resource management and their functioning roles. Human Resource Management plays a vital role in the effectiveness and success of health care organizations. Effective management of human resource departments in health care organizations is important and so are the roles and functions. This paper will discuss Human Resource Management in Health Care with emphasis on Job Description, Training Activities, Recruitment Activities, Selection Approaches, Performance Appraisal Systems, Pay Parts and Other benefits and General Supervisory Styles.


Human Resource Management functions include the formulation of organizational human resource strategy, the recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, wage and salary administration, retaining employees, employee relationship management, employee safety and health management and so on. Human Resource Management helps healthcare organizations maintain a great relationship between the employees and their organization. Human Resource department of a company has a number of different responsibilities and its primary purpose is to improve the productive contribution of people within an organization, whether it is personal or public health relations. There are many challenges that health care organizations face when dealing with human resource management and their functioning roles. HRD is responsible for employee recruitment, selection, training and development, evaluation, performance appraisals and compensation, motivation and employee relations. Human Resource Management plays a vital role in the effectiveness and success of health care organizations. Effective management of human resource departments in health care organizations is important and so are the roles and functions. This paper will discuss Human Resource Management in Health Care with emphasis on Job Description, Training Activities, Recruitment Activities, Selection Approaches, Performance Appraisal Systems, Pay Parts and Other benefits and General Supervisory Styles.

Table of Contents



The Functions and Goal of Human Resource Management5

Human Resource Management's Role in the Health Care Industry6

Job Design8

Recruitment and Selection8

Training Activities9


Performance Appraisals10

Compensation and Other benefits11

General Supervisory Styles11




Human Resource in Health Care


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