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Gender Equality

[Name of the Institute]




Equality between Men and Women1

Equality policies legitimized1

Unequal situation of men and women2

Paradigm of Gender Mainstreaming2

Feminist Approach3

Radical Feminism5

Common Doctrine6

Relations with Other Movements and Political Theories6

Influence and Critique of Marxism: The Materialist Feminism7

Radical feminism, Pro-Sex Feminism and Queer7

Critics of Radical Feminism8

Education for All8

Dakar Framework for Action………………………………………………………………...9

Interpretation of the Right to Education…………………………………………………….10


An Internationally Recognized Right………………………………………………………11

Adult Education…………………………………………………………………………….12

Cyber Bullying13

Sexual Violence and Gendered Violence13

Child Sexual Exploitation15


References……………………………………………………………………………….………17Gender Equality


Gender equality is the de facto approximation of the sexes in all spheres of life with the goal of equality to be achieved by the elimination of existing barriers and promoting support measures. Gender equality is not an existing condition, but the permanent task of settlement. This is equality in general as opposed to discrimination. Whether positive discrimination is suitable as a compensatory balance of action is controversial. Instead of the older term equality between women and men the more neutral term, used more recently is gender preference. This is intended to equal claim to equality between men and women and possible third genders. The concept of equality goes beyond the equal treatment within the meaning of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women also (Colclough, 2003). Equality means the avoidance of direct or indirect discrimination from people in all walks of life. It implies equal treatment is not sufficient to equal opportunities for all produce; also, the equality should be actively promoted. This active promotion of equality is called the affirmative action. Equality thus implies a political demand (Sweetman, 2013).


Equality between Men and Women

Equality policies legitimized

by the confessions of the international community to the fundamental equality of man and woman (Sweetman, 2013)

by an actual inequality of the sexes

by the assumption that some inequalities are not biologically and thus modifiable

By assuming that the free choice of the disadvantaged, even under conditions of legal equality (so that there is no guarantee de facto equality has not been reached)

In particular, the gender segregation in the labor market provides a foundation built on the inequalities and can persist (Colclough, 2003).

Unequal Situation of Men and Women

Equality policy requires that the situation of women and men in society is unequal. It is said, for example, in the equal opportunities law (Seager, 2003),

The aim of the law is the professional advancement of women, while respecting the primacy of suitability, competence and professional performance, in particular the improvement of access and advancement opportunities for women, a significant increase in the proportion of women in areas where they are less represented than men, and the elimination of existing discrimination (Colclough, 2003).The unequal situation of men and women in many professional sectors is not always the result of direct discrimination. The different educational and career choices of women and men according to the findings of the OECD are significantly influenced by gender stereotypes. The different proportions of women in academic disciplines are also an expression of different interests (Welsh, 2010).

Paradigm of Gender Mainstreaming

Modern equality policy works according to the approach of gender ...
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