Running Head Validity Or The Invalidity explain The Validity Or The Invalidity Of A Destructive Argument

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Explain the validity or the invalidity of a destructive argument

Explain the validity or the invalidity of a destructive argument


Reasoning is the process of searching and looking for explanations via intellectual argumentation. Arguments are mostly composed of logical and meaningful statements, the propositions consisting of statements and its conclusions. Statements (premises) are based by conclusion. Reasoning will be in two states either it will be Inductive (Induction) or it will be Deductive (Deduction).

The difference between Induction and Deduction is that if the assumption of premises (basis) of a statement is true and there is no possibility that conclusion will be false but on the other side if reality of conclusion is not certain then we called it Inductive argument. Reasonable connection between premises and the conclusion is very important otherwise it will lead us to a false conclusion (Jevons, 1965).

If we simplify it with an example, so it will be like if Magnus computer scientist taught us Philosophy of Science for about three months so that we will become good economists. If we see the example it's not making any sense, as being students of Philosophy of Science we can become Philosophers of Science not economist. Artificial Intelligence, Logic, Induction and Deduction has great importance in the field of Philosophy of Science but still there is debate on problems of Induction which needs rational and the logical efforts to solve the problem. We will first define and explain Induction and Deduction before we debates on its problems.

Deduction: Deduced Reasoning or deduction

It is that logical argumentation where premises are imagined being accurate and then it's not possible that conclusions or results from those premises could be false. Actually deductive arguments would be valid or in-valid, but we can say deductive arguments could be valid which goes with in its framework. Invalid and non-deductive statements are those which have one and more than one false premises. Deduction are used to validate special conclusions from common truth.

If we clarify it with an example of DSV i.e. "DSV is department of computer and science and Magnus is teacher in the department so Magnus will be giving lectures in computer related subjects". The decisions dependent upon on deductions are trustworthy. So we can trust on integrity of consequences. So now from above example, we suppose premises that "department of computer science is in DSV is true and it is also true that Magnus is teaching computer science subjects".

So the theme of the example is that it is not possible that conclusion would be false when it based on correct and true premises (Broeder, 2000).

The conclusions mostly based on a hypothesis, ideas, anticipation and new theories presenting logical deduction. If there are other related statements available then conclusions are evaluated within its frame. Rational similarities among these statements are examined for equivalence. It has been checked out for compatibility among each other and further it has been tested for other measurements according to its ...