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Legal Issues

Legal Issues

Case 1

In this case, the young man robbed a women, and she saw his face fortunately. The Woman reported the robbery to the police and described the face of a robber. After three days, a young man Crain arrested and detained illegally and improperly. His photo showed to women, and she identified him. The woman appeared in court as the witness.

Crain appealed to the court not to allow the witness as evidence because this case falls under “Fruit of the poisonous tree.” The United States uses this metaphor in their Law. This law is the violation of Fourth Amendment that no searches and seizures allowed without proper and legal warrant (Stamper, 2008). This law is the progeny of Exclusionary rule. That means no evidence allowed and accepted in court, if that evidence came out with the illegal and improper investigation or search. If the search is according to the warrant, and legal permission then the evidences will be accepted in the court of law.

In this case, Crain improperly and illegally detained so the foundation of the case is weak and the evidences collected from the imprisonment of the young boy should not be accepted in the court. If the police start investigating robbery, and then get issuance of warrant against the Crain then the case would be strong, but now as the evidence is gained from the illegal and improper detention of Crain Supreme Court should not charge Crain because of robbery.

The difference is created because of the unreasonable search otherwise Crain would have charged with the conviction. As the case does not go through the proper legal investigation Crain, would be free from the charge.

Case 2

The case is of arm robbery at the bank. In this case police, officers improperly arrested Mr. Watson in the apartment. The issue occurred to take care of Watson's cat and dog. Police officer goes to Mrs. Lopez and inquires about the animals if she could take care of it. The interesting point of the case is that robbery held by the demand note, in which he threatened that he had nitroglycerin. Mrs. Lopez said that morning when robbery held Mr. Watson asked her how to spell nitroglycerin. The case seemed to be very clear that Watson is the culprit, and he robbed the bank. The court has to take action because, witness are clear and there are proper evidences ...
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