Running Head : Crtical Appraisal Analysis critical Appraisal Analysis

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Critical appraisal analysis



Overview of the article1

Information of the authors1

Description of the journal2

The overview and framework of the article2

Analyzing the framework3

The research methods4

Quantitative Research4

Methods of study in Quantitative system5

Qualitative Research5

Methods of study in quantitative system6

Method used in the research to collect data7

Data collection7

Data analyzation8

Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses8

The critical appraisal analysis of the theoretical framework of the research8

Lacking in the article9

The analysis of the cohort study method and results10

Research results and their authenticity11

Article 211

Research topic11

Overview of the article12

Information of the authors12

Description of the journal12

The overview and framework of the article12

Analyzing the framework13

Quantitative Research13

Randomized controlled trials14

Data collection and Data analyzation15

Mandometer technology15

Meta-Analyses of Statistical methods17

Comparing the two articles for Critical appraisal and recommendations18


Critical appraisal analysis


In this document, two articles have been taken on the topic “obesity”. As obesity is one of the leading issues in the United Kingdom, it has become the main focus of the researchers. The first article has taken the pregnant women as the basic focus while the second one has taken the childhood obesity as the major concern. Both of the researchers are well conducted in accordance with the subject, by the highly qualified research professionals. the document has done the critical appraisal analysis for both of the researchers.


Overview of the article

The topic of the article is “Extreme Obesity in Pregnancy in the United Kingdom”. It is the research study formulated in the article from by Marian, K., Jennifer J. K., Patsy, S., and Peter, B., in 2010.

Information of the authors

The article is written by the expert researchers. Authors gave a token of thanks to the UK Obstetric Surveillance System reporting clinicians for helping them in completing the data collection forms.

Description of the journal

The article has been taken from the journal called “Obstetrics and Gynecology”. This journal is also known as the green journal, and its basic purpose is to provide a significant basis and resource regarding the study and research on different topics related to feminine health. The prestigious team that is responsible for designing this journal and giving it its shape are:

Deputy editor: James R. Scott:

Associate Editor: Catherine Y. Spong

Other: board members

The monthly publications of the journal are responsible in providence of clinical research on current advancements and expansion in gynecology and obstetrics, and the feminine health care

The overview and framework of the article

This article has described in detail the prevalence of obesity in pregnant women and the methods through which the condition can be managed resulting in beneficial outcomes.

Obesity has showed up as the most basic and indispensable nourishing issue confronting the developed planet (Bergh, Shield, Hellers, Zandian, , et al., 2008). The etiology of obesity is multi-factorial and incorporates element hazard elements, heritable impacts, and ecological elements. Weight in individuals is the principle worry that just surprises the self-regard of hefty single, then again, heftiness can additionally make the critical results identified health (Wang 2008).as the department of health states, the prevalence of obesity in pregnant women has been increasing in the united kingdom ...