Running Had: Culture And Management motivational Plan

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Running Had: Culture and Management

Motivational Plan

Motivational Plan


Since the attack on Americans Pearl Harbor and Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki, both these countries have a bad feeling each other and do not able to make control over their past difference. Such problems have been since in many times when these two nations are not able to work together and earn combine achievement (Allen, 2001). Japanese and Americans style of business have considered as the greatly difference such as the making of decision about business, controls, management, interdepartmental relations and the way of communication. These things are the subject matter for the way of dealing in business and because of therein root strength of their culture. Japanese approach considered as the more paternalism, they are quite polite in nature and giving the rises towards the industrial feudalism while on the other hand, American are considered to be more aggressive in nature and there are more towards the individualism that characterizing their personalize.


Majority of the Americans men have continue to believe that geishas are the prostitute and the swarms of the them that streets of Japan while on the other hand, Japanese people have thought that all the Americans are not less than Caucasians.- their means are tall in their height with have blue eyes, while all women are voluptuous.

Motivation Plan

As we know that both Americans and Japanese are not willing to work together due to have negativity about each other and past difference, to reduce this issue we have create the motivational plan for both American and Japanese an individual as well as team/group level.

We basically use the Expected theory that has been commonly accepted through worldwide and the majority of the organization uses for their better output in their organization (Apter, 2001). By the use of this theory we are going to make a decision about individual level try to reduce their behavior alternatives.

The three major components of expectancy theory; Expectancy, Instrumentality and Valence helps each of the individual to work for the aim not just for their self bit for the sake of organization as well.

Probability of expectancy we used to make realized both the Japanese and American employees at an outlet store that they work hard than therefore definitely they have a chance of promotion and they earn respectable bonus, that will help for ovate them to work harder in the future.

The probability of instrumentality that is based on ...
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