Rough Draft Of An Essay

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Rough Draft of an Essay

Rough Draft of an Essay


It is a common perception that family values and relationships play a really important role the way we are bound to shape up our personality. When an individual is growing up, it can be seen that when someone is linked to the system of family, it is really beneficial for him (Buss & Herman, 2003). Whatever we learn as a child, it can be seen that it comes from the way our parents have shaped up our personality. Our parents have gone through our life as well as our siblings and they are in a better shape decide some of our future priorities.


The way one is being treated in his or her family can provide strong base for their ideological development but at the same time if family values and systems are not strong, then there is a fair chance that personality will not really be developing the way we like it to develop (Lucyshyn et al., 2002). The type of relationship we share with our family can really make or break our personality. This is what makes family a really strong base for the development of the character. It has to be realized that when we were at our most vulnerable state, our childhood and adolescence, it was our family that supported us through these troubled times. Some of the basic societal behaviors came to us from our family and that's what made us a person we are.

On one hand, one can clearly see that type of influence our family has on us, it must also be seen that when family system and environment is not really strong, this sense of attachment is not being felt at home. There are many family structures that are in the contention when ...
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