Rope And Rope Safety

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Rope and Rope Safety

Rope and Rope Safety


In the fire service, lines are widely used for hoisting or lowering tools, equipment or people to pull someone to safety or as a lifesaver in emergency situations. rope may be their only means of access to the person captured or only way to escape a fire (Tebeau, 2003).

Learn about ropes and knots is an important part of training firefighters. This report examines the various types of construction rope and materials used in making rope. Rescue equipment used by firefighters to evolve through the introduction of equipment used in mountain rescue and caving. The combination of lightness and strength, these materials allow the application to quickly and easily adapt to the mission of the fire. One tool for fighting is the most important line. rope can save the victim, carry tools and secure unstable objects. However, one line is useless unless it is connected to something. There are various ways to connect the cable to the objects. It is therefore very important for firefighters to know how to tie some basic knots.

Life Safety Rope

Life safety rope for one person

Life safety rope for two persons

Life safety rope is used only to support the people. Always use a rope that is needed to support a person, whether during training or during fire fighting, rescue and other emergency operations (Lyon, 1976). String life, security is one of the most important tool used only for rescue purposes, it should never be used for utility purposes. Strap life must, in all situations where the rope must withstand the weight of one or two people. In such situations, the cable failure can result in serious injury or death. Since the fire equipment must be extremely reliable criteria for the design, construction and implementation of life safety rope and equipment specified in NFPA 1983, Standard Life Safety Rope and Equipment Ambulance. Life safety ropes are classified as one person or two people. rope for two people that will be used in rescue operations in some rescued and the rescuer need support.

NFPA 1983 lists are very specific rules for the construction of life safety rope. Rules also require that the rope manufacturer to include detailed instructions for use, maintenance and safety checks rope of life, including the conditions for removal of the rope from service. In addition, the manufacturer must provide a list of criteria that must be addressed before the line safety of life, which was used in the field can be reused. It is the rope does not meet all the criteria that must be removed and service.

Properties of rope materials

Rope Materials

Ropes can be made ??from various types of materials. The earliest a rope made ??from natural twigs or fibers that were woven together. Today, ropes made ??of synthetic materials such as nylon or polypropylene. The ropes of different purposes, certain materials may work better than others in specific situations (Hazen, 1992).

Natural Fibers

In the past, firefighters used a rope made from natural fibers such as Manila, because there was no ...
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