Ronald Reagan's Political Leadership

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Ronald Reagan's Political Leadership

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan was a prominent political leader in the context of American history as he introduced major reform policies and developments. The American economy at that time was faced with various challenges and thus the contribution of Reagan as the president had a profound role in successfully making the economy tackle with these challenges in an appropriate manner. Reagan's core focus was on the aspect of tax reduction measures as well as decreasing the extent to which people depend on the performance of a government (Petrina, 2009).

Tax cutting policies greatly decrease the burden of people as with an enhanced level of taxes; people often do not have enough money left to feed them. A major part of their income gets spent because of the large tax percentage. Another emphasis of Reagan was to develop such programs and policies that decrease the overall reliance of people on the functioning of a government and tend to provide them with mechanisms that make them independent (Evans, 2008).

The American economy at that time was also facing severe issues pertaining to the role of national defense and the national defense was characterized by various cost inefficiencies. Reagan's political personality was characterized by a high level of persuasion skills and he played a major role in the approval of different agreements by making use of his interpersonal skills.

There were a number of scandals that came to the fore at the time of Reagan's presidency and thus it goes to the due credit of Reagan that he was able to successfully minimize the after effects of such scandals due to his proactive policies. Ronald Reagan formulated his domestic policy on the lines of reducing the overall size and scope of the federal government and it is due to these ...