Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet


This tragedy, written by William Shakespeare, is about two lovers whose parents are together is hostile. Romeo and Juliet try to keep everything together, but luck is not on their side and therefore it comes at the end of the story to a tragic conclusion. However, Shakespeare's lovers always seek the truth that is inherent in love and life. When these truths are exposed a great light suddenly shines for the lovers (Daiches p.343-358).

Romeo and Juliet are very young. They probably never had any reason to develop any special gift of language, and it is not until they see each other and fall in love that their language begins to take on a new beauty and maturity. Their love suddenly makes them mature; it is only when they are away from each other that they become like immature children again. Romeo and Juliet both undergo development (Daiches p.343-358).

However, they are both forced to mature more quickly than young people should be required to do. They learn to face the imperfection in the world with an amazing courage and they, later, face death with a spirit that is awesome (Cusack p.1-12). Because of the use of imagery (and specifically, love imagery), in the case of the three plays used in this study, Shakespeare is able to express precise ideas for which there is no other equivalent and, with a poet of Shakespeare's "heightened imagination and feelings (Daiches p.343-358).

Tragic lovers

Romeo and Juliet are remembered not as tragic lovers that one must pity; they are, instead, remembered and admired for the beauty they brought to a love which lives on in immortality (Cusack p.1-12). Time moves quickly for these young lovers. Juliet is forced to an unequalled maturity in a span of five days. Romeo goes from an immature youth, who first complained in courtly conceits of the contradictions of love to a speech in Juliet's tomb which gives him a dignity that only a truly unselfish love could ever acquire (Craig p.26). Both Romeo and Juliet find their own identities through the enrichment of their love for one another. Romeo is himself only in his Juliet; she is his reality, and only with each other do they find their true home and world (Craig p.26).

In Romeo and Juliet love begins for Romeo and Juliet when they meet at the masque. As the tragic ending approaches, the lovers no longer hold back any part of their great love for one another. And, no longer does sensuality have its attraction and its importance; if they talk of it now, it is only to emphasize the loving-passion that is included within their love. Their love imagery, too, takes on a depth heretofore never used in their love-words to one another (Wells p.24).

Love complications

In Romeo and Juliet there are love complications for Romeo and Juliet. However, the complications exist because of their feuding families, Romeo and Juliet love each other despite their families, but they are caught up in the fury of the enmity ...
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