Roles Of Corrections Officers

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Roles of Corrections Officers

Roles of Corrections Officers


Corrections officers play an important role in rehabilitation centers and prisons. The following paper discusses their roles in brief.


Typically, the correction officers perform the following duties:

They enforce rules and also try to keep order within the boundaries of prisons or jails

The supervise and carefully monitor the daily activities of the inmates

They aid and assist in the counseling and rehabilitation of the offenders

They also inspect conditions and environment within facilities to make sure that they are meeting the required established standards

The search all the inmates for any kind of contraband items

They report about the conduct and attitude as well as the progress of the inmates

The most basic and fundamental duty of a correctional officer is to is to maintain order and to prevent any kind of assaults, disturbances and escapes by properly supervising the work assignments and supervising activities of the inmates. Correctional officers are also required to protect the citizens from incarcerated criminals. It is the duty of these officers to routinely do a thorough search of the inmates as well as of their living quarters and cells for any kind of contraband such as drugs or weapons, and to settle any type of dispute that might have arisen between the inmates and to duly enforce proper discipline ( In addition to that, the correction officers are also required to inspect look over the facilities for a number of things such as fire hazards, unsanitary conditions, and any kind of evidence regarding the tampering or even slightest damage to locks, grilles, bars, gates and doors. The officers also regularly screen the mail as well as the visitors for any kind of prohibited item. Sometimes, the Correction Officers might also be given the responsibility of transporting the inmates between courts, hospitals, funerals and various facilities. A ...