Role Of Women

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What role do women have in today's global business?

What role do women have in today's global business?

Women have been the increasing factor in the success of the global economies since the past many decades. The economic authority of women is really radical, showing the biggest prospect in the world. Women run 65 percent of the global spending, and by 2014 the World Bank believes that the income of the women will increase by more than $ 5 trillion dollars around the world (Continuum, 2012).

In the emerging and developed markets, it can be seen that the influence of women is beyond the traditional household duties of looking after family. The current era is just the beginning of the revolution. Women around the world have more control over making their decisions and being independent than ever before. The emerging markets are where the women are entering the workforce at very rapid rates.

The trend of products being designed for women can be seen in companies that previously had products only for men. Businesses find opportunities where they can develop markets worth millions of pound from selling products to women. The woman of today does not only make decisions regarding food can cars, but also with services such as health care and banking. This change in trend has caused the companies to shift their focus, and target this segment.

Around the globe, women contribute to trillions of Pounds in consumer spending, and they have the final say in purchasing 91 percent of homes, 65 percent of new automobiles, 80 percent health care, and 66 percent of computers (Continuum, 2012). Understanding women consumers is a tough job that requires assessing all their needs which goes beyond just the bottom line. The decision between making a single purchase and creating a long term relation ...
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