Role Of The Nurse

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Role of the Nurse

Role of the Nurse


An increasing number of health services need to develop integrated interventions in people affected by a mental disorder plus a substance abuse. These patients are particularly severe patients both from a clinical perspective as social and constitute a therapeutic challenge not only individually, but also for health systems that must deal with complex patients. The nursing staff is a group that has a very close contact with these patients, hence have a unique position to detect drug use and motivate to come to treatment (Barnard, 2005).

Nurses' work in psychiatry imposes a role, and type of health care, both relational and psychological. It is the latter type that requires a specific preparation of the operator, indicated by a mark "psychodynamic" as a necessary condition to enter into a therapeutic relationship with the patient. The nurse is preparing to observe psychological events and is entered into a field that inevitably involves the circularity of thoughts, feelings, fantasies, where the symptom takes on its full meaning when it is understood not only more inherent to the disease or the patient himself but as a means of communication and relationship. This paper studies that it is significant for a nurse to be an effective and efficient communicator. In this paper we will study the significance of a communication of the nurse for the prevention of suicide.


The rapid evolution of health (DRG, admissions getting shorter, highly specialized) is increasingly raising questions about the relationship between structures and patients. In this framework revalue and unlock the potential of the relationship between nurses and sick person can be crucial for the welfare of the patient and to the liking of the structure from the users.

Nursing and Suicide

These professionals usually have an excellent rapport with the population and prestige as social support in their community, so that their work can be very important in the prevention of suicide, are trained in the skills and knowledge needed.

Nursing communication is the professional tool for care process which provides an effective working tool for early diagnosis and intervention, emphasizing the subjective and objective of the subject carrying the disease or behavior unhealthy.

The communication process enables the nurse to increase the quality of their observations, their diagnosis and interventions aimed at the individual and family, key issues to address suicidal behavior in any stage of its evolution in the individual naturally. It also allows the feedback constant for the effectiveness of prevention and intervention.

Suicide- Key Features

Suicide prevention involves knowing that the arising of feeling until the completion of the suicide attempt. The early intervention of the professional nurse has the best prognosis and decreased patient deaths.

Suicidal behavior can often be a way to communicate in a dangerous and desperate way expressing his feelings about himself, the situation in which he feels trapped and need for attention and help, from a desperate feeling of incapacity to deal with their problems and the unhappy conclusion that does not matter to the other or they are ...
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