Role Of The Legislature In The Budget Process

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Role of the Legislature in the Budget Process

Role of the Legislature in the Budget Process

Question 1- How could the topic of this article apply to my personal life as a member of society?

The article on the role of Legislature in the Budget Process has a lot of value. The reason is that the Legislation provides a legal clause in the Budget Process. The legislation is an important tool in the law making for any business sector. The lack of legislation creates a lot of obstacle in the business process. It makes it difficult for the investors to claim any lawful right on the business transaction. The legislation also has a strong relationship with the Executive function of the Ministry. For me, the current article carries immense value because it provides a detailed background of the Legislative Functions in the economy. The Parliament has the main responsibility to pass the legislations by all the members. It is common for all the democratic countries to have an institution for law making. The members getting elected during the elections have the main responsibility to participate in the legislation process.

The countries such as England, USA, Canada, Australia etc provide the model for the Legislative functions. The legislative functions are an important component of a parliamentary country. The institutional structure has a history and it evolved with the passage of time. The importance of the laws was emphasized in the country in order to prevent any unconstitutional and illegal activities. When the financial budget is passed with the help of legislation, it means that all the representatives of the countries had a consensus on this development. The disagreement on the legislation is also a fundamental right of any lawmaker. It is the responsibility of the Government in addressing the concerns of the opposition and also making necessary changes to satisfy the lawmakers in the Parliament (Lienert, 2005).

All the people living in the country need to follow the law and their failure to do the latter can lead them to face punishment in the court of law. In the case of legislation in the Budget Process, the entire population of the country experiences an impact of this development in the Parliament. For instance, if the taxes have been increased and they are included in the Finance bill, then all the people need to pay the taxes. I would need to prepare my own budget in order to assess my purchasing power. All the actions taken under the roof of the Parliament carries implications for the public. The simple reasons are that they are the representatives of the people. It was seen recently, that the legislation crisis occurred in the USA as the Government struggled to pass the Budget Bill because they did not gain support from the opposition. Though, the problem finally got resolved as the negotiations between the Democrats and Republics paved the way for passing the bill. It was in the end, the public that was suffering because of the constitutional ...