Role Of Technology In Integrated Business Communication

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Role of Technology in Integrated Business Communication

Role of Technology in Integrated Business Communication


Communication is the backbone for success of an Organization. Communication has been changing the way Organizations operate. Earlier there were traditional methods of communication.

The traditional methods of Communication used to have a number of flaws associated with them. With the rise of technology, there has been rise of innovative avenues in communication (Johansson & Ottestig, 2011).

The rapid rise of Technology has largely been attributed to the innovative ways of Communication. Many flaws of traditional ways of Communication have been countered through effective use of modern Technology.

With the nature of competition increasing at a rapid pace, the need for implementing innovative methods of communications has increased to a great extent. The cut throat competition prevalent in the environment has contributed a great deal towards implementation of innovative means of communication.


There are a number of communication issues which a prospective candidate would have to face for rapid progress. Many candidates have difficulties in adjusting in their first jobs. There are multiple communication challenges which they have to overcome.

Social Networking

Being internet savvy would be a big factor in communicating well with Organizations. Many Organizations tend to advertise jobs and conduct feedback through their online pages. Organizations are increasingly relying on the Internet for their successful hiring. A candidate who does not have access to social networking would have hurdles in communicating with the Organization (Monica, 2009).

Theory to Practice

Many Candidates have difficulty in acclimatizing themselves from a theory based approach to a practical system. They seem to be unable to adjust to this change in a short period. Much time is spent on adjusting to the new environment and they do not know which method is ideal for an effective communication process to take place.

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