Role Of Technology In Educational Experiences Of Students In Classroom

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Role of Technology in Educational Experiences of Students in Classroom

Role of Technology in Educational Experiences of Students in Classroom


We live in a world in which we strive every day to achieve a better life and society. Thus, among other factors education plays a vital role in achieving better life for an individual and society as whole (Morrison, 1999). However, today, information and co- knowledge has increasingly influenced educational environment. If we compare the education system of last few decades with today's education system we can say that the educational process has changed which has also changed the experiences of students in the college classroom (Riddell, 2012). Technological advances have made education interesting and a reality that could easily be achieved by several people. In this paper I am going to analyze how technology is changing the educational experiences of students in the college classroom. My analysis will examine technology advances at three different universities. The purpose of this paper is to let readers know about the role being played by technology in today's education system. This paper will let authorizes know current practices in our education system with relation to current technology as it will help them in making policies further improve overall educational system accordingly.


Because of technology every day we get to see new software or a new gadget that makes our lived easier. The role of technology has increased in education system of today. We have witnessed technological changes in our computers(Kozma, 1992). Use of technology in education benefits students of all ages in learning process. It helps students easily absorb material. For instance, as people are visual learners, projection screens connected with computers allow students to see their notes than only listening to the lecture of the teacher. This is the simplest example of how technology has changed student's classroom experience. Today, technology has become much advanced for example several software are used to supplement classroom's curriculum (Levy, 1996). This software provides students with study questions, quizzes, tests, and various activities that help them to continue their learning even outside the classroom. Technological advances have made education interesting with introduction of various courses applications and a reality that could easily be achieved by several people (online Education). From past several years one of the top universities of United States such as Georgetown University, American University, University of Southern, have developed graduate degree programs for online arena so that education can be provided to everyone regardless of various difficulties. There are several other universities in the world which are making effective use of technology. These universities are as follows:

University 1

The Sauder school business at University of British Columbia Canada recently has worked on a huge redevelopment project. This is a new type of facility provided to the students. Authorities have placed huge screens at the front of room connected live camera which zooms on whoever is speaking at that time whether it is a guest speaker, student, or lecturer. On every seat there is a ...
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