Role Of Public Health Nursing In Underprivileged California Neighborhoods

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Role of Public Health Nursing in Underprivileged California Neighborhoods

[Name of the Institute]Role of Public Health Nursing in Underprivileged California Neighborhoods


AIDS is the acronym for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome. HIV aids cannot be revered as the disease of modern times; it had always existed in our world. The only difference is that mankind did not acknowledge its existence until 1981. Amongst the major natural causes of mortality in the world, in both the ancient and modern times, is HIV aids; most importantly in the least developed countries. Nursing encompass an extensive range of fields, as well as health care problems, which are continuously changing and on the front of guiding this profession path. Problems for instance health care modification, nursing deficiencies, low incomes for mentors and moral principles are a number of the subjects being tackled. Since professional nursing is an essential measure of hospitals, nurture homes, home fitness agencies, as well as institutions. The field ought to retain current changes with the policies and ought to be prepared to report the issues that arise (Crepaz, 2002).

Nursing in California

The most important factor that could lead to an overall improvement in health care service is the provision of high quality service. Quality could be improved through many methods as discussed above, but improvement in technology and infrastructure, and treatment provided by Nurses could be termed as most important. If Nurses provide services on an individual basis and work to provide extreme care, than an overall increase in the quality could be witnessed. It is important for Nurses to coordinate with their peers and senior Doctors, before extending their services, so they can carry out the work efficiently. Moreover, they pay attention to the previous records and history of patient's treatment, than they can effectively manage the problem and solve patient's issue. These objectives could only be achieved if appropriate technology is provided to the patients, so technology and Nursing services go hand in hand for the improvement of quality.

Skilled and professional nursing are the basic requirement for the people of California. The issue of aids over the year have augment and also increased the need for professional nurses to take care of such people. A mere negligence in the service may lead to serious issues for the patients. There have been numerous cases where people have lost their lives due to any negligence from either Doctors or Medical staff of the Hospital or Clinic. Lack of skilled staffs also creates issues as they are not aware of how to deal with severe cases. Health Care without service is futile, hence acute care should be provided to the patient, ensuring exceptional quality service. It is important not to discriminate people on the basis of cast, color and greed when it comes to providing services to patients.

The importance of quality in health and social care organizations The importance of high quality health care services could be judged from the fact that, people in rural areas suffer from various diseases, and they are most ...
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