Role Of Public Health In Creating Awareness To Parental Knowledge On Childhood Obesity

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Role of Public Health in Creating Awareness to Parental Knowledge on Childhood Obesity



If it were not for the help rendered by everyone who had been an integral part of this study, this study would not have reached its final phase and found its real expression. My personal gratitude extends to my peers, associates and the imperative facilitators, who had played a pivotal role in defining this study into more comprehensible expressions, and rendering some of their precious time to me for accomplishing the objectives of this study. I am also deeply indebted to the authors who have shared my interest and preceded me. Their works provided me with a host of information to learn from and build upon, also served as examples to emulate.


I [type your full first names & surname here], declare that the following dissertation/thesis and its entire content has been an individual, unaided effort and has not been submitted or published before. Furthermore, it reflects my opinion and take on the topic and is does not represent the opinion of the University.




The main aim of the study revolves around the endeavours undertaken to bring to the limelight one of the grievous issues, which is being faced by the country, obesity among young children. The actual objective of this study is to draw a relation between, and determine the role of public health in creating awareness to parental knowledge on childhood obesity. Interestingly, the facts and figures clearly depict that almost the entire world has been spiralled or taken over by the ever increasing epidemic of obesity, which means not a single region or geographic area suffers from this curse. Therefore, it is quite understandable that UK is going to be no exception in this case. In fact, the studies over time have proven that the population of most of the developed and the developing countries suffer from the issue of obesity. Hence, in order to tackle this ever growing epidemic, which stands in the middle of the highway that leads to children's sound growth and fitness, it is essential that an effort is employed to bring to the knowledge of parents, the pivotal points and grounds pertaining to their negligence regarding the health of their children, as well as the role that the healthcare institutes have to play in this regard. Consequently, the primary rationale behind choosing this pivotal topic lies in the ever increasing concern and problem regarding the obesity in children, due to varying reasons. Therefore, it is highly imperative that the sole guardians of those children, i.e. the parents are enlightened regarding not only the hazards which this obesity may pose to their children, but also the imperative remedial measure, which may play a pivotal role in protecting and safeguarding their children from this trouble.






Background of the Study1

Key Issues2

Purpose of the Study2

Effects To Public Health2

Present Statistics And Make Comparisons3

Rationale of the Study4

Aims and Objectives4

Research Questions4


Research Design7

Research Method7

Literature Search8


Qualitative Research9

Data Analysis9


Behaviour choice theory11


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