Role Of Procurement & Commissioning

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Role of Procurement and Commissioning in the Delivery of Public Services


The paper aims to investigate the role of procurement and commissioning in the delivery of public service. Public service is one of the key roles of government and it is one of the important aspects of sociology. It is important to identify the public need and satisfy them this is the process of commissioning. To satisfy the need, the department needs to procure goods. So, the commissioning and procurement has major contribution in satisfying public need. In order to investigate the role of commissioning and procurement paper presents comprehensive and significant findings. The decision making power is under public bodies, central government and local bodies. The decision process involves the procurement; it is the most frequent process in the commissioning to purchase goods for the delivery of public service. These procurements are through grant funding or from tenders and contracts. It is very important to give attention to the procurement after commissioning because it is the most important aspect of that the right and quality procurement will increase satisfaction and quality of public service.

Role of Procurement and Commissioning in the Delivery of Public Services


It has been found that commissioning is the initial process to identify the needs of public. Commissioning is the process of central and national government bodies. To identify the need and analyse what service required commissioning departments have to put efforts so, the right service reaches at the right place. If the need of public is not identified it would be difficult to satisfy the public service need. The process of commissioning has become significant because there is increase trend of public service and deliveries. There are some external organisations that has started providing public service for instance VCS. It has been found that the social needs of the society have been changing and to fulfil them accurately, high level of commissioning and procurement is required. The process of commissioning and procurement seem to be the complex process and complicated. However, the perfect frame work and strategy of commissioning can provide increased public service delivery (Tether, 1977).

Commissioning and Procurement is now the government's modernization strategy. As both the works are important for the public service delivery UK government has emphasised on the agenda and policies of commissioning and procurement. These policies and agendas aim to bring efficiency across the public sectors. If the procurement will be effective and efficient more money could be saved and that will be left for other public service. The saved money could also be invested in other services to enhance the public service sector. Procurement is also not an easy task there are several considerations that has to be given because the delivery of public service solely depends upon the nature of commissioning and the procurement. There are some agencies also that provide suggestions and advice for commissioning and procurement (UK, 2008).


The introduction has given overview of how the commissioning and procurement can enhance ...
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