Role Of Positive Clinical Psychology

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Role of Positive Clinical Psychology

Table of Contents



Role of Clinical psychology3

Pros and Cons of Positive Clinical Psychology3

Pros of Positive Psychology3

Improved prediction of disorder4

Eliminating negative life events4

Developing Positive Clinical Interventions4

Cons of Positive Psychology5

Applications of positive psychology6

Enhancing the scientific profile of Positive Clinical Psychology7

Criticism on Positive Psychology7

Gaps to be filled in Positive Psychology8

Need of setting up rules, regulations and prevailing practices8

Need for better training facilities and standards.8

Positive Intervention's Effectiveness9



Role of Positive Clinical Psychology


“Positive Psychology is the study of psychological science of positive experiences as well as positive individual traits”.

With the help of positive psychology, institutions facilitate their development and regenerate enhanced solutions for psychological problems and diseases. It is not only concerned with the well being and most favorable functioning (Lopez, et,al., 2003); however, the fundamental aim of positive psychology is to broaden the view of clinical psychology outside the misery and its undeviating improvements. Te defined concept of happiness is divided into three areas: Engagement, Pleasure, and meaning. In favor of these constructs, there are some valid and practical assessment tools especially for basic set. In addition, there is increased evidence defining the significance and effectiveness of positive psychology intended to provide us with meaning, pleasure and engagement (Snyder, & Lopez, 2007). Psychologist argues that positive psychology is justifiable in its own way. In addition, positive psychology is crucially used as a supplement directly in prevention psychopathology and psychotherapies of the contemporary psychological treatments (Duckworth, et. al, 2005).On the other hand, Positive psychology has been instrumental in focusing on the issues of distress and researching into its possible causes (Aaronson, 2006). However, it has also been the target of criticism. There is a big difference between the movement and its research. Also, the criticism has been on the movement rather than the research of its viability and functionality. Being the flag bearers of positive psychology, this criticism has been looked at with an eye for improvement (Slife, 2008). The critics criticize the way well-being is thought of and how the practices take place to do that. Since it is a reflective area, there bigger things to worry about. Also, the mistakes of previous unpleasant experiences have to be avoided at all cost (Slife, et,al., 2008). Then, looking at criticism with a more constructive way, we should focus on the new points of research that are pointed out. And those with some valid critical analysis need to be looked at with proper acclaim for the positive psychology movement. In this paper I will discuss the role of positive clinical psychology in the contemporary world's psychological disorders (Snyder, et,al., 2007).


'Clinical psychology' has a significant role in psychological treatments. It helps in eliminating naïve behaviors causing suffering and mental disorders. Troubled persons want satisfaction, well being, and contentedness, rather than less sadness and troubles (Sheldon & Lyubomirsky, 2006). These conditions do not come out suddenly, when the troubles are removed. However, psychologists or psychiatrists have to foster the positive feelings and development of character, through direct or concomitant therapies (Aaronson, ...
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