Role Of Media

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Shift of Power Away From Large Corporations and Towards Audiences via New Media

Shift of Power Away From Large Corporations and Towards Audiences via New Media


Gone are those days when it was enough for mankind to have each other's company for the sake of entertainment or leisure time. Now the modern world entails numerous means for the entertainment and leisure of the inhabitants of the societies. These means over time, have taken various shapes. Undoubtedly, technology has played a pivotal role in shaping up and devising the various means of the entertainment. It is not essential for the mediums to be external only. The technology has enabled the mankind to enslave the amusement and leisure even at their homes. Amongst the primary means, of leisure and entertainment means is the “media”.

Over time, even the media have taken various shapes. What was earlier used as a means of entertainment, has now taken the direction of the transfer of vital information to even the households. Moreover, earlier what was only confined to the premises of cinema halls has now become the attraction of every house, not only in UK, but throughout the world.

Media over the time, besides taking over various forms and shapes has also assumed varying roles. It is the role of the media, which has now totally changed to course of the perception of the audience, as well as the vital operations of the major corporations of the country, as well as the world.

New Media

New media are one of the most important terms used widely in the Media studies. This terminology came in to the limelight by the end of the 20th century. The actual implication of this term entails the access to the desired content or the subject matter, as per the chosen time and place, by the recipient of the content. The term also denotes the access to the desired subject matter or the content, via the chosen medium as well; even the choice and selection of the medium. I.e. the digital medium is also the contribution of the new media. Moreover, the addition of the constituents, such as the user's interactive feedback; where their feedback, suggestions or complaints can be received by the supplier of the medium immediately.

Most importantly, on a broader scale the term “new media” entails the excessive usage and the employment of the digital mediums. This term is in direct contrast with the conventional or old media, which principally constituted of numerous magazines or newspaper, encompassing idle words only. Therefore, when the world refers to the term new media, it entails all the digital equipped mediums which render the access to communication, information, as well as entertainment; For instance, the advent of internet in the new age. With the internet, communication and media itself totally took a new shape and form; and the way entertainment and information is rendered to consumers or audience, is totally opposite to way media was propagated in earlier times. A mere click on the internet has rendered immense ...
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