Role Of Managers

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Role of Managers in the Organisation

Role of Managers in the Organisation


Today's rapidly changing technological and business environment has given multiple benefits to businesses and changed the way of managing organisations (Cleland & Roland, 2006). There is no doubt about the fact that modern way of management has allowed businesses to improve their ability to make decisions, plan, organise, lead and control organisation in an efficient way, which actually leads an organisation to meet its goals (Willmott, 2005). It is a fact that success of every organisation in today's competitive marketplace depends on the quality of human resource that it acquires. Similarly, the importance of managers in success of organisations cannot be denied as they play a vital role in providing leadership, management and administration to run the organisation the way it is supposed to (Bateman & Snell, 2007). Managers' role is very influential in facilitating organisations to attain their business goals through the effective use of management theories. It is essential to know that managers mainly contribute in organisation's success by employing management theories at all level of management including top, middle and first line (Baum & Oliver, 2002).

On the other hand, there are some organisations that have introduced a modern style of running organisation without placing people with the title of 'Manager'. No one can deny the fact that running any organisation without manager can be seen as a challenge to the nature of management as management is generally described as a way of getting tasks done from the people. Valve Corporation is an American It company that develops computer games and web-based video games. The most interesting thing about the company is that Valve does not believe in hiring managers or running a company through managers.


Valve Corporation

Valve Corporation operates with a different style of organisational management without having any organisational hierarchy. No doubt, the company had made remarkable success during last few years because of greater appreciation and sales of their products such as Counter Strike and Left 4 Dead (Valve, 2012). It is a fact that Valve is the company that has brought a concept of running organisation without managers. However, running company without managers not only affects the style of working but also pose challenges to the nature of management itself.

Further, Valve practices a flat organisational structure in order to reduce power distance among employees. This enables the company to be operated under a management environment where there is no boss (Valve, 2012). In simple words, it can be seen inside the organisation that none of the employee is answerable or report to anyone. In addition, people at valve do not encourage organisational hierarchy as they believe it affects the innovative capabilities, creativity and potential of an individual. Instead of the organisational chart, Valve uses the Staff Handbook that not only describes the values, mission and vision of the company but also guides the company to work without managers. It is also important to know that Handbook is considered as the most valuable material for ...
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