Role Of Lenny Bruce In Social Movement

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Role of Lenny Bruce in Social Movement

Role of Lenny Bruce in Social Movement


The different forms and genre of art has caused great impact on society. Comedy is an art which represents a sense of humor through a statement, expression or gesture. Comedy is a genre which refers to the quality of performance (verbal or expressions) that prompt amusement and laughter. It is an ability to make other people laugh (Engelsk, 2009).

Sense of humor is a social quality to understand individual or group humor and behave accordingly. Both the sense of humor and comedy are an art to explore personal mediocrity and make other people laugh with the deliberate non sense things. Comedy plays a decisive role in society. It is an essential element to release the stress or tension and laugh. It is a pivotal element of society which offers entertainment to the people (Berger, 1998). There have been many comedians and artists who played their vital role in raising the level of awareness among the people.

Lenny Bruce was an American comedian who made great struggle to get freedom of speech. Through his bold and blunt style and performances, he spread awareness among the people of America about the importance of free speech and equal rights. Lenny Bruce had played a pivotal role in secular rights and social movements. He used his skills and talent to mould the thinking of people. With his courage and fearless style, he took the responsibility to create awareness in the society about the deprived rights and inequality. He spread awareness about the fundamental right of free speech.


Art and artist unite people in a bond of entertainment. It is a significant responsibility of the artists to create awareness through their talent and art. Along with entertainment, artists create awareness and knowledge in the society. Lenny Bruce was among those courageous artists who used their arts not just to earn money, but also to help the society. Lenny Bruce created joy and entertainment for people through his art. At the same time, he did his efforts to advocate rights of free speech. He had the skills and potential and he urged people to identify and demand their rights. It is widely assumed that people with a sense of humor do efforts to make people laugh and motivate them in to face the conflicts, difficulties and challenges (Stets, 2005). Lenny Bruce followed the path of truth and courage and made people realize their Right of freedom.

Lenny Bruce, through comedy raised issues which were prohibited and controversial in society due to fear of government or any influential group. In wars, battles, in revolutionary movements and a state of pressure, comedians throughout the world had always been very courageous and active to raise controversial issues in a lighter way and spread awareness among people to let them know the other side of picture (DFG Research Group, 2012). It was a new idea which was not in common practice that comedians raise serious issues and struggle for the social ...