Role Of Hr

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Understanding organisation and the role of HR

Understanding organisation and the role of HR

Activity A

Main products and Services

There are a number of valuable products and services Emirates Airline offers for their customers.

Private suits, shower, onboard lounges and insight Wi-Fi

Emirates customer can avail 1500 channels of entertainment range from movies to news. For first class passengers, Emirates offers flight shower to being relaxed. On air Wi-Fi system is also provide them to stay connected with their loved ones (Emirates Airline, 2013).

Fresh and Delicious Food

Health is a major symbol for Emirates, so they offer multiple options in their menu list (Emirates Airline, 2013). They hired expert chefs whom design dished to reflect cuisine from a different region of the world.


Dedicated Emirates lounge in more than 60 airports on the globe provide their customer complete relaxation facility (Emirates Airline, 2013). Passengers can also enjoy beverages and snacks before they ready to flight.

Main customers

Although Emirates customers spread all around the world but them generally target shopping tourist and business tourist passengers. There are around more than 16 million tourists visit world fastest growing country (Dubai). Since Dubai declared as a free port, Emirates Airline target business tourism as well (Morrison & Winston, 1997).

Purpose and goals of the organization

Emirates purpose and goal is to inspire people through offers them safe and secure flights and managing their business frequently. Emirates also focus on airline high professional and senior management to create an effective leadership position in the industry.

External factors

There are four external factors that directly impact Emirates Airline in their business operations.


The political environment in the Middle East is a favourable environment, countries within this region signed among them to open up Emirate to world.


Organization is located in Middle East which is considered as wealthy region. In recent time, Asian continent booming economy helps emirates to increase their revenues.


Emirates airline enjoy significant benefits due to their labour cost as compare to the western region and US.


British Airways is world ranked # 2 in the world and having largest alliance of its technology for providing unique services creates a challenge for Emirates.

Organization Structure

Crew Management

Managers worked directly with the crew to deliver best flight experience to passengers.

Crew Training

Operate out dedicated facility that specializes in training Emirate cabin crew in all aspect of their role.

Planning development

This department is responsible for quality assurance, project management, resource planning, project support and document ...
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