Role Of Health Nurses

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Role of Health Nurses

Role of Health Nurses


It has been widely seen that the nurses are more close to patients as compared to the doctors because of their job nature and tight schedule of doctors. Traditionally, the role of nurse is considered as a helper to doctor and taking due care of patients. However, the concept is totally different in modern settings. The research has shown that the health care organizations cannot satisfy the patients if the nurses are just to assist doctors and to give medicines. This has provided impetus to making the role of nurses more strategic in planning, implementing and evaluation. The nurses guide patients and make efforts to change their unhealthy behavior such as diet, cleanliness and taking medicines in time. The researchers claimed that the nurses can provide significant input in making health comprehensive plans. The report will cover the role of nurses in detail which includes planning, implementing and evaluation. The obesity has become a very crucial matter because it affects the health of the person and makes the person vulnerable to the diseases. The nurses used to deal with obese persons and also play effective role in developing diet plan for the patients. The diet of the patients is very crucial for patients. The diet plans actually work as medicines for the obese people (Schneider, 2008).


Role in Health Planning

This is the responsibility of the nurses to keep record of patient's medical history. Therefore, the nurses possess much knowledge relating to the patient's diseases. The nurses can better suggest that which medicine is suitable for the patients and which is expected to cause problem to employees. The information that nurses provide is very effective because it is first hand and genuine. The health plans must include health coaches and disease management in order to be effective. The nurses actually play a role of health coaches because they guide the patients about improving health and staying ways from disease. The disease management means that the measures that a patient need to undertake for preventing him or herself from diseases. This is not only about the medicines that doctors recommend but it includes tidy dressings, right amount of medicines at right time, injections and understanding the patients queries and solving them. These procedures are very important and performed by nurses. The nurses used to deal with the patients and their families and inform them about the patient's health and requirements. The nurse must make sure that the family posses the required amount of information because it affects the patient's health. It is the duty of nurse to monitor the symptoms of disease and regularly inform the senior or medical officer so that the causes of disease can be encountered earlier (Haines, 2007).

Role in Implementation

The nurses are directly involved in implementing the community health plans. The nurses are supposed to visit the members of respective communities to implement the health plans. These are the nurses who are largely engaged with implementing the health ...
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