Role Of Father

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Role of Father in Childbirth

Role of Father in Childbirth


Fathers' attendance at childbirth is almost universal in the United Kingdom, but few researchers have addressed the role that males play in childbirth decision making. The number of technological interventions available to birthing women is increasing, as is the utilization of those interventions. The experience of fathers during labour and birth is of particular interest following experiences in midwifery practice which have highlighted the variety of reactions that men have to being with their partner through labour and birth during both normal and emergency deliveries. It is felt that there is little said in midwifery practice about the role or needs of fathers and scant recognition of the long-term impact that the experience can have.

This essay aims to critique two research articles on father's role during childbirth. Issues raised during my seminar presentation will be explored if applicable with the aim of broadening my scope of knowledge and understanding. The two papers have been selected for critiquing includes one qualitative and one quantitative research articles based on data from questionnaires. The papers included in the literature review were relevant to the specific aims of the search. Lessons will be drawn on research findings to the role and responsibilities of professional and its implications. Also the research process will be highlighted followed with a conclusion.

The rational for choosing this topic is as a result of my personal experience while on labour ward placement. I was drawn to different roles a father can adopt during childbirth. In order to explore this issue further, a literature search on the role of fathers during labour and birth was carried out.

Critique Article 1

The first research article “Paternal experiences of pregnancy and labour” is a quantitative study done by Anais Rosich-Medina and Ashalatha Shetty, published in British Journal of Midwifery in 2007. It is noted that the data on which the article was based was gathered several years previously. This illustrates the time lag that can occur between the research process and publication. For analysis of the qualitative paper, the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) framework will be used. This is chosen as it is set out simply as 10 questions to ask of qualitative research yet it allows for deep, considered analysis. There is no suitable CASP framework for analysis and appraisal of research papers based on surveys. Consequently, it was decided that an eclectic model based on the CASP outline and informed by the suggestions of Gomm et al (2000) would be used. This model combines the simplicity of the CASP approach with the survey specific questions for analysis put forward by Gomm et al (2000).

These tools will enable a full and thorough analysis of each of the research article. However, as the frameworks are based on the CASP model, synthesis between the papers will also be possible. It addressed clearly focussed issues. A quantitative approach was appropriate; however the study's aims could have been met using a qualitative approach as it sought ...
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