Role Of Ethics And Morality In Abortion

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Role of Ethics and Morality in Abortion


The aspect of abortion has significantly increased in the context of the American society as it is considered a highly moral and ethical issue. Many countries attach a high significance to the morality and ethics pertaining to abortion since each country attaches different proportion of ethics and morality. There have been two types of movements that stimulated the abortion debate to rise to an alarming level. Both these movements are considered as highly significant in the context of shaping abortion related dilemmas. One is the prochoice movement which pertains to the women's decision whether they wish to bring an embryo or fetus to term (Singh, Wulf, Hussain, Bankole, & Sedgh, 2009). This choice has higher implications for the birth of a child and thus the abortion aspect must be looked at from the view of this movement.


The second movement is termed as pro life movement that emphasized the right of the fetus or embryo to be born. Both these movements are considered as highly loaded concepts that shape the intricacies of abortion in the concept of womanhood. The different abortion related terms such as anti abortion and abortion rights are discussed in their true contexts within the abortion debate. Both of these movements have looked to shape the public opinion according to the morality and ethics pertaining to abortion as a way to get a suitable legal position. It has been observed that some anti abortion proponents have gone on to term the aspect of abortion as close to being violence.

The abortion law has been known to vary between the different territorial areas. For instance abortion in Canada is available to women with a lack of legal restrictions. On the other hand, abortion is considered to be highly illegal in Ireland excepting ...
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