Role Of Drugs And Alcohol In Violence Against Women

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Role of Drugs and Alcohol in Violence against Women


This paper aims to analyze the impact of violence on women due to the usage of drugs and alcohol. The negative impacts of the usage of drugs and alcohol are discussed and how the violence against women occurs is also discussed. The paper further relates the topic to the field of nursing and the role of nurses in helping in eliminating this problem. The implications for nursing are also discussed. It helps in understanding the issue from a very different point of view and makes sure that the people learn from it and help in reducing the issue.

Role of Drugs and Alcohol in Violence against Women


The role of the use of alcohol and drug in violence against women is a very old issue. This has caused a number of problems and has promoted domestic violence and also partner violence. A drug is a substance that alters the normal functioning of the organism once it comes into contact with him. Some examples of drugs include alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, inhalants, steroids, marijuana or cocaine. The problem of drug and substance abuse has increased and it has been made sure that the people who are suffering from this violence have certain places where they can seek help. Nursing is a profession that can help such people, if they are physically harmed and can also provide counseling sessions if the patient is not well mentally due to the abuse.


Alcohol plays a large role in the context of interpersonal violence. There is a strong link between alcohol consumption and the individual risk of violent offenders or victims of violence. In this connection, the World Health Organization (WHO) was attentive and took steps to eliminate Violence that is caused due to the consumption of drugs and alcohol. Despite clear evidence that oversight, the taboo and the trivialization of alcohol related violence are still characteristics for the high number of unreported violence in many areas. Violence is distinguished by physical violence (acts causing death, injury and physical abuse), psychological violence (for example, exclusion, bullying, verbal abuse etc.) and sexual violence. The strength of the relationship between alcohol and violence is not only due to individual factors such as age, gender and drinking patterns. Also, interpersonal relationships, social and cultural factors influence the interaction. For simplicity, the influence of alcohol are considered on the violent behavior of individuals as a strong predisposing factor, but not the sole caus. Women are the main victims of such violence and men are the culprits. Excessive use of drugs and alcohol causes such problems.

Alcohol drinking as a trigger for violent behavior

Drugs act as accelerators or catalysts of violence against women. Drinking alcohol may enhance a euphoric feeling of power, remove inhibitions that restrict problem solving skills or misinterpretation of gestures and signals lead. Drinking patterns in men such as binge drinking occur frequently in connection with acts of violence, and they abuse women (Stoner,, 2007). It can be attributed to the ...
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