Role Of Change Management In Nursing

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Role of Change management in Nursing

Role of Change management in Nursing


Nurses are considered to play an influential role in the implementation of new technologies. Many of the stakeholders do not have enough faith and confidence in the new technologies and as a result need to be convinced. This is the point where nurse's role becomes highly significant. Through their various efforts, they tend to eliminate the doubts of the major stakeholders as regards to the adoption of new technology.

The success or failure of modern technologies such as Electronic Health Records depends to a large degree on the performance of nurse's job responsibilities (McMurray, Chaboyer, Wallis, & Fetherston, 2010). Nurses must recognize their growing responsibilities within the context of change management as interaction with major stakeholders would go a long way in not only identifying their concerns but also addressing the concerns.

The aim of this paper is to assess the factors involved in initiation and adoption of new technologies. Since the implementation of EHR is to be discussed, there are a number of factors that must be discussed for the successful adoption of EHR. According to Rogers, there are five qualities that must be addressed whenever organizations are faced with a quandary of adoption of new technologies. The five factors within the context of adoption of new technologies would be discussed below:


Relative Advantage

It is necessary for nurses to perform appropriate comparisons of the old processes with the new technology. Nurses must be aware of the intricacies of both the old processes as well as the new technologies for providing a rationale in the context of adoption of the new technology. By addressing this factor, the nurses would present a massive operational improvement if the results can be achieved in a less amount of time. Nurses must make sure ...
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