Role Of Business In The Development Of The Society

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Role of business in the development of the society

Role of business in the development of the society

Measures for guarantee safe food supply and protected rights of individuals

The business and government need to form strong regulatory principles in order to ensure consumers are given a safe food. The regulating body force manufactures to put the correct information on the product, so that every individual know the ingredients he is purchasing and has freedom to choose the right. The business and the government should develop trust and confidence in society through effective practices, good corporate governance and design strict policies.

Conflict Diamond and Contribution of World Diamond Council

World Diamond Council was form in late 90's in response to the conflict diamond. United Nations defines “conflict diamond' or “Bloody Diamond', as diamonds that come from the parts denominated by the rebellion forces resisting against legitimate or international government and support their alliances to fuel violent activities. Despite of few challenges, the Diamond Council is successful in achieving its goals of conflict diamond free trade. World diamond council works closely with civil movements, United Nations and government. Kimberley Process Certification Systems, mandated by UN, is a dedicated effort of Diamond Council in eradicating diamond conflict trade. Another voluntary effort has been made by the diamond industry that warranties the sources of diamond offered to the customers is free from conflict, through a System of Warranties. Both the systems has implemented by 74 governments as a part of national law. Now today, 99 percent of the diamond is conflict free diamond. However, still efforts are made by the Diamond council along with its alliances to strengthen these systems (

Gap's movement and stages of corporate citizenship

Gap has moved to all five stages of the corporate citizenship. At elementary stage, the management has no big concerns for ...
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