Role Of Brands In The Marketing Of Technology Products

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Role of Brands in the Marketing of Technology Products

Role of Brands in the Marketing Of Technology Products


As time is passing by the world is witnessing the fact that technology has broken all the limits, and it continues to do that. Because of this technology advancement we are aided with many technological gajets like MP3 players, GPSs, iPods, iPads, PDAs and many more gajets that are very useful and also fun to use. The technological advancement have opened new markets in the world, no one knew what an MP3 player was in 1996. Technological products have rained over the world markets, we see thousands of brands of a single product, for instance mobile phone or an MP3 player, and there are almost hundred to two hundred brands of MP3 players in the market. The problem is to buy which brand. Technology products have started brand wars in the market and the market has become very competitive in the past five years. The role of brand in the technological products is a big one and now brand has become more important than the product itself.



Technology products face a difficult market because there is a lot of competition in the market. There are thousands of similar products. The brand name or brand matters a lot in the marketing of a technological product. One would always go for an Hp printer even if he has other cheaper and more effect alternatives. One doesn't buy a product of which he hasn't heard of. There is a war of brands in the market, if for instance we take the example of mobile phones there are many great brands in the market: Nokia, Sony Ericssion, Samsung, Motorola and Apple are the market leaders and fierce competitors, even though there are many other mobile brands but people don't buy them. Why is that? Because people don't buy what they haven't heard or seen any advertisement.

Technology has opened new markets for new products for instance the entertainment industry. Sony was the one which introduced this industry of entertainment or used this word. Sony has a diverse range of entertainment products for example plasma screens, HD LCDs, movie cameras, digital still cameras, home theaters, play station is a huge product of Sony in the video game industry, MP3 players, DVD players and laptops. Similarly many other companies have the same products ...
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