Role Of Abnormal Psychology

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Role of Abnormal Psychology




Brain Structure and Brain Chemistry4

DSM-IV diagnosis5

Clinical Syndromes5

History of Abnormality5



Abnormal psychology is the extension of psychology that studies unordinary examples of conduct, emotion and considered, which might possibly be grasped as accelerating a mental disarrange. Granted that numerous conducts could be recognized as abnormal, this extension of psychology ordinarily manages conduct in a clinical setting. There is a long history of endeavors to comprehend and control conduct regarded to be atypical or freak (factually, ethically or in some other sense), and there is frequently social variety in the methodology taken (Barlow & Durand, 2011, Ed: 6).


The field of abnormal psychology distinguishes numerous foundations for distinctive conditions, utilizing differing speculations from the general field of psychology and somewhere else, and much still relies on what precisely is indicated by "abnormal". There has customarily been a separation between mental and natural demonstrations, reflecting a philosophical dualism as to the brain figure issue. There have likewise been distinctive methodologies in attempting to arrange mental scatters. Abnormal incorporates three distinctive classifications; they are subnormal, supernormal and paranormal (Barlow & Durand, 2011).


There is a huge role of genetics in the context of Karen's case since her parents were also affected by a similar situation. The families of Karen were also affected to a great extent by a similar mental affect. Both parents of Karen were characterized as having been affected by mental diseases. Grave mental health problems in the case of Karen's parents had a significant role to play in the case of Karen being affected (Barlow & Durand, 2011). The role of depression had been immense in the context of Karen's parents since their military admission was refused on the basis of their depression. On the other hand, paternal aunt of Karen also was affected to a great extent because she used to be having different spells. Although Karen was not affected by the grave threat of depression in the past, the recent depression related anxieties are increasingly being attributed in the case of Karen. Thus, the role of genetics has been highly immense in the context of Karen's mental disease. Since the parents were affected to a great extent by the role of depression, their depression related symptoms had a major role to play in the influence of depression in Karen (Barlow & Durand, 2011).

Brain Structure and Brain Chemistry

The brain structure and brain chemistry in the case of Karen are increasingly flawed since she is having a distorted pattern of decision making. The elements of being tired and irritable had significant implications for the brain pattern of Karen since they did not let the brain function in a normal manner. These elements made the decision making for Karen highly complex and complicated. Her academic work had been affected to a great extent since the quality work that Karen used to produce was missing. It is because of the distorted brain structure and chemistry that Karen was not able to successfully portray quality in her ...
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