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Article One

The first article that is selected to perform the literature review is titled as “Physician reluctance to discuss advance directives.” This study is conducted by Seam Morrison, Elizabeth Morrison and Denise Glickman. The study is published by the Department of Medicine, New York in 1994.

Subject of Study

The subject of the first article is related to the communication skills in the field of healthcare. This study makes an attempt to study the barriers that impede the ways of physicians to discuss advance directives. The issue of advance directives is such a sensitive issue. There can be a number of factors that can restrict physicians to undertake discussion about this issue with the patients. The aim and objective of this is to explore barriers that can restrict physicians to discuss the issue of advance directives with the patients. The sample size for this study is 460. The sampling technique that is implied in this study is random sampling. There are five different barriers that this study proposes as the most probable reasons behind the reluctance of physicians. Out of these five barriers the study aims to unveil what are the most important and most prevalent barriers that are the main causes behind the reluctance of physicians to talk about advance directives with the patients (Seam, Elizabeth and Denise, 1994).

Adequacy of the Study

Within the subsections of the study there is a difference in the extent to which the study presents adequate information. For instance, there are two sections. The first section presents the information about the advance directives in general and the way in which the physicians behave when it comes to the issue of advance directives. This first section of general discussion or introduction is very brief and not adequate enough to develop the complete understanding about the topic. After the brief introduction about the topic the proper research process of the study begins. This process of research is described in the study in a thorough way. This can be said that the methodology is described in a thorough way because each and every aspect of the research methodology is discussed with details. First of all a discussion is done about the participants of the study, questionnaire that is used for the study is also discussed in great detail. Questionnaire and participants of the study are the element of the research process and when these elements are described in detailed way then it describes the research process in a thorough way. Each and every aspect of the study is discussed in great and in depth detail. For instance, this study undertakes discussion about the participants, questionnaire designs, statistical method and analysis, a complete table is given that enlists all the barriers and items related to the advance directive usage, then the results of the study are shown and then in the last part comments on the study are mentioned which discusses the results. After the results the writers of the study undertakes discussion about the results that are obtained ...
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