Rock Lobster Fisheries Management Plan

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Rock Lobsters Fisheries Management Plan

Table of Contents


Brief Intro to Fishery4

Purpose & Objectives of Plan for Rock Lobster Fishery Managment5

Commercial/Recreational Fishing5


Applicable Legislation for Rock Lobster Fishery Mnagement Plan7

Time Scale for Implementation of Rock Lobster Fisheries Management Plan8

Review of Plan10

Rock Lobster Fishery Overview/Description11

Current Management Arrangements & Remedial Measures11

Environmental and/or biological characteristics12

Harvest Strategies13

Monitoring Reacreational and commercial catch… ………………………...... ………...….13

Managing Compliance and Monitoring………………………………….…………… ……13

Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Rock Lobster Fishing Practices14


Fisheries Management Plan


The purpose of this Fisheries Management Plan is to being by putting forth a set of objectives for the management of the rock lobster fishery; and then moving on to establish a protocol for the factors that fall in the scope of the management of the rock lobster fisheries (Pascoe, Punt & Dichmont, 2010; Nursey-Bray, 2011). To this end, this report will present a Fisheries Management Plan for the Rock Lobsterin Tasmania to elaborate on the commercial/recreational elements of Rock Lobster Fisheries Management as well as the applicable legislation on the region in question. The plan will help to establish the scope of the authority that will be exercised for the management of the Rock Lobster fisheries as well as an explanation of the role and relevance that the program holds for the stakeholders (Pascoe, Okey & Griffiths, 2008; Kompas, Che & Grafton, 2004). The plan will shed light on the history and nature of the Rock Lobster fishery and provide a brief overview of the history of the Rock Lobster fishery; coming down to the current standing of the fishery and the effectiveness of the fishery under the approach currently being exercised by the management. In order to do so adequately, the Rock Lobster Fisheries Management Plan will have to give consideration to the markets, values and equipment utilized and/or affected by the fishery's operations.

In addition, the plan will also give regard to the environment and biological characteristics of the Rock Lobster fishery in Tasmania in order to clearly outline the target species and by-catch in the subject area as well as in the surrounding habitat (Wen Hong & Ching Hsiewn, 2007; Bilgmann, Möller, Harcourt, Gales & Beheregaray, 2008). Stock assessment and research will form a major part of the Rock Lobster Fisheries Management Plan by defining the frequency with which the fishery is utilized as well as the methods utilized in the assessment of the fisheries operations (Haddon, 2003; Goldsworthy & Page, 2007). This will help to establish perimeters for the compliance and monitoring of fishery while simultaneously leading the report into the risk assessment protocols that will facilitate the management of the fishery. The report will be supported with referencing and appendices (wherever deemed necessary) to substantiate statements and provide an expanded elaboration of the areas covered in the report.

Brief Intro to Fishery

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