Roche Diagnostics Develop Global Managers

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Roche diagnostics develop global managers

Roche diagnostics develop global managers

Producing global leaders

Global leaders are professionals that have the capabilities of operating in international and multicultural contexts. Earlier it was believed that global leaders were naturally born with an interest in the world outside of the one they live in. The understanding of the dependence of personal prosperity on the prosperity of others was what was naturally there in them. This understanding it was believed was responsible for the way they played the role of transforming the societies the worked in. Recent evidence is suggestive of the fact that global leaders are not essentially born that way, they need to be made. Such leaders are made to have a global mindset with which they operate to create new solutions, contribute effectively and connect across various cultures ( There is no single way a global leader is made. In the early years, it is the educational system that plays a significant role in developing a global citizen and a leader. Providing exposure to the various culture and languages of the world at the early years will make an individual understand the cultural diversity and global market in an effective manner. Secondly, the human resource department in an organization plays a significant role in the development of a global leader. The selection of the right candidate by the HR, providing exposure, tools and information necessary to become a productive global leader are the determinants for producing global leaders. Besides, the individual himself should be readily adaptive to the competitive nature of the work that he has to undertake. All these factors combine to produce a global leader.

Possible ramifications of not having global leaders

For every professional field, irrespective of the type of field it is, Roche diagnostics indicate that global leaders are required for their survival in the global market. A visionary leader that has a unique perspective is essential in today's global market scenario. By not having such a leader a company may miss out a lot of opportunities in the global market since a global leader is one that help in connecting business across various countries. From the example of Roche Diagnostics we can understand what can be achieved by having global leaders. The company rose to such heights in the business market because of the way it produced global leaders by providing training to empower them to handle change and make decisions accordingly. ...