Riverview Community Hospital

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Riverview Community Hospital

Riverview Community Hospital


Riverview community hospital is a not for profit health care organization that is located in United States of America. Riverview community hospital is a famous health care organization because of giving appropriate and ideal health care to the patients. Basically, this hospital deals with the delivery of acute care services. Three others hospitals in metropolitan statistical area are the major competitors of Riverview community hospital. Although Riverview hospital is smallest of the four, but the rate of patient satisfaction is extremely high. Delivery of quality health care is the outcome of friendly competition among four hospitals. Each hospital is extremely conscious regarding the financial aspects of the hospital. Riverview community hospital also focuses on its financial performance to maintain their reputation. They are using certain strategies and approaches to improve their financial performance. The paper will examine certain areas that are associated with improved financial performance of the hospital (HAP, 2010).


There are 210 beds in Riverview community hospital, so it is very important for the organization to use certain approaches and strategies to maintain their financial performance. The competition among four major hospitals is continuously increasing day by day; however, Riverview community hospital is leading because of highest satisfactory rates. The Annual report 2009 of Review view community hospital mentioned that the inpatients and outpatients are responsible to generate net patient service revenue of the hospital. The Riverview community hospital collected 45.128$ in the year 2009, which is the highest income in the past 5 years. Annual report further described that the Riverview community hospital is the member of State Hospital Trust fund from where it receives around $1 million per individual for professional liability insurance (HAP, 2010).

The statements of Operations described that the total revenues in the year 2009 was around 36.416 million dollars. The price ...