Risks And Rewards

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Risks and Rewards

Risks and Rewards

Staffing factors to be considered

A number of factors affect the staffing function of human resource management. These differ with the market/setting which might be international or domestic. These include reviewing the decisions made for hiring employees, retooling and empowering the existing employees, and focus on teamwork for performance improvement.

The hiring of employees and workload management is an important factor that, even though invisible and subtle, can cause a lot of unseen changes within the workforce. If the load of work is a lot and there are insufficient numbers of employees to tackle it, regular employees are prone to make more mistakes due to increase in pressure. The recruitment team should be careful in the selection of new employees, as their inexperience and mistakes incur as costs to the firm.

Retooling employees refers to improvement of the process by empowering employees or changing their functional roles. This can be done in a number of ways itself, ranging from getting employees to agree on the changed role(s), to exploring for skills beyond the renown IT skill set, to getting external training in order to enhance internal employees' skill sets (Craig, 2000).

Focus also needs to be made on teamwork, as it has seen to make radical improvement-oriented changes in the process flows of the firm. People have gotten sincerely involved within the process, contributing with zeal. This very factor is invaluable and should be duly considered.

Contribution to organizational risk if factors are ignored

Organizational risk can increase in many contexts if these factors are not addressed. The financial consequences may increase (Odom, 2012), and the organization may lose the interest of its employees if they are not engaged and involved within the change processes and culture.

If the screening decisions for recruitment of employees are not reviewed and improved, ineffective workers would keep getting hired, and consequently, their mistakes would spell out further financial burden for the company.

Retooling of employees should not be ignored at all, even in the face of maintaining an internal, effective as well as aggressive control system. This is so because the removal of low-value processes which were not worthy of being continued is necessary. For this very purpose, the removal of internal bureaucratic controls which are hampering quality and timely customer service need to be revised. Employees' empowerment would do just that; also, employees' skills need to be challenged and improved on a continuous basis in order to improve quality and performance of service. Training and Workshops should be given when and where needed.

Ignoring teamwork might apparently seem to benefit the financial flow, as is claimed that ineffective and unscrutinized recommendations get implemented quicker than they should, but in the longer run, chances of improvement and quicker changes that might have led to process improvement and improved customer satisfaction and rating, would largely be missed.

Evidence of addressing challenges

Modern Appliances has addressed the staffing challenges it faced by retooling its employees with a series of workshops aimed towards stimulating a culture of change. The employees belonged to different unions ...
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