The term “Risk” is defined as something which can lead to danger or loss. Social risk is a term that describes the response of the society towards the risk associated with them. Risk can involve many other phenomena's like social, political, environment, culture and technological. Because of the globalization, the phenomena of risk have raised. This is because of the emerging trends between societies. People from different age, race, gender, religion, social groups and culture when combine together the risk related to their values and work environment arises. Chances of conflict not only reach to the higher level but there are also chances of high volatile conflicts resulting in higher risks.
The Risk Society concept
It is very important to get the right meaning of the risk society, a risk society is the one which generates the notion of risk. The great Germen sociologist namely Ulrich Beck explains it in this way, it is a systematic way of dealing with exposure and insecurities induced and introduced by modernization itself. He declared that the modern society is not up to the traditional industrial structure, and it is breaking apart. It is because of the globalization that people from different race, culture and society have emerged. This emerging trend has increased the risk associated with different classes (Holzmann and J Orgensen, 2001, pp. 529--556)
These risks include for example, gender biased, sexual orientation, ethical concerns and environmental risks includes pollution, and radioactivity and unemployment is also included in this context. This is because of the emerging trends between societies. Beck showed his concerns about the socially constructed risks and he even argued that some other risks like terrorism had also become very dangerous because of the frequent discussion between mass Medias (Wilkinson, 2001, pp. 1--22).
Beck's theory of risk society
Ulrich Beck, the most famous German sociologist, he has generated a highly exceptional theory of risk associated with the society. Ulrich Beck defines the current situation as the “world risk society”. The theory is mainly based on three phenomena's. The first part is based on the reflexivity; second important aspect is related to the advanced modernization and the third important phenomena is the individualization. According to beck, the risk parameters have raised because of the modernity.
The modern methods of risk control have not been sufficient to meet the demand. The modern social institutions have failed to control the crisis like ecological, other attempts to control the failure like redound. It has been observed that the major risk association is because of the society itself. Now that the risk regarding society, environmental, industrial etc has raised, the increasing trend of debating, managing risk and the prevention from them is prevailing. After blaming the society about the risk, the availability of methods for dealing with the risk has also been provided. According to Beck, risk is something that can be controlled through the use of different statistical tool. He believed that the risk associated with the modern society can be predetermined through the statistical ...