Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment


HIH Tech will be a computer goods retailer on-line as its prime merchandise at the goal market -PC consumers. Customer can purchase or browse our goods 24 hours a day 7days a week from all over the Nation at luxuries of their home.

Bear in brain that the business objective is to supply the 3R's, Reliable services and Reputable goods at Realistic charges to conceive a future that advantages our customers. From the objective the business in tends to become peak 50 retailers inside 3 years time by the identical time expanding 15% of their revenue.

Risk Assessment


HIH tech products are a computer dealer to be on-line as its primary target market for the product PC consumers. Customers can purchase our products 24 hours a day seven days a week from around the nation to the comforts of home.

Consider that the company's mission to the 3R, reliable services and reputable products at realistic prices to a future that create advantages for our customers. From the company's mission is to tend Top 50 retailers within three years by the same 15% increase in their income.

Before the commencement of its operations on the network, the company should pursue a specific business model. This can prevent the company from its mission, and at least a certain way for the implementation of their business processes. Model suite of the company, such as e-shop and affiliate model.

Business is like war. to identify better competitor advantage is important, before he continue the business. HIH Tech Limited plan to their online businesses, but the major competitors "QMB Computers," Student sale "and" DJ-Computers. With the SWOT analysis to identify the three competitors, the strengths and weaknesses can not be oversight. After analysis and found that QMB computers companies with the strongest business strengths is more than the other two companies.

Finally, after many e-market strategy is the main part of the report for the business make online. How to promote on the site, attract customers to visit again and again and with a website for sales and customer services are the major item on this strategic planning report.

Business Concept

Computer Retail business is growing every year and so a lot of computer dealers and stores were built to operate for a last decade. Today the Internet is the fastest and easiest way to buy a product.

Mission Statement

We offer the 3R, reliable services, reliable products at realistic prices in a future that our clients gain advantages.

Business History Goal

Create a site that contains full of useful information and secure payment system.

Create a customer support system, will be available for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We select the best products in every price range for the customer to budget.

We are committed to offering market-leading brands and potential of computer parts at the lowest prices.

to accelerate the promotion of quick service and fast delivery business.

We will play an important role in PC components retailer of New Zealand with a good ...
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