Risk And Compliance Evaluation

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Risk and Compliance Evaluation

Risk and Compliance Evaluation


Information systems are a set of procedures to be ordained executed; provide information to support decision-making and control of a particular institution. Information is defined as an entity tangible or intangible reduces uncertainty about a state or event, in other words, is a dataset that can be manipulated to an authoritative interpretation. Management information systems are becoming indispensable to great speed, planning, decision making and control. The speed and accuracy with those managers can get information on what is working well or what is malfunctioning determined to a large extent, which will effectively control systems (Lucey, 2005, pp. 93).

An information system is a system that reflects the image of an entity through the information it manipulates. This information is used by various parts of the group through a physical medium and the conveying means of support software to manipulate. The entity is characterized by its coordinates and structured activities. Coordination between the activities is provided by an exchange and sharing of information. For an activity to be performed, it is called the one hand to operate certain information generated by other activities within or outside the entity, and secondly to produce a variety of information which constitutes its value.

The main role of an information system is the connection of two systems: the operating system and control system on the one hand, and the environment now on the other. Thus fulfilling the mission of each of these two systems is highly dependent on its characteristics: reliability, consistency, scalability and integrity. The concept of information system would then designate the interactive set of all informational situations, i.e., the complex interplay of all the meaningful exchange of information; we find the characters relational, historical and global information (Lucey, 2005, pp. 93).

The efficiency of a system of organization based on the efficiency of its information system it is necessary to analyze and specify in a systemic approach at first and implement later. In addition to the material and organizational aspects, an information system is structured according to the movement and processing of information conditioning the various activities of the company. The identification and analysis of information exchanged by the activities tell us about the dynamics and communication between systems components that we propose to study or manage.

Need of Information System

The current economic and competitive situation has led companies of any item to find ways to maximize the productivity of its workforce and policy. Leading them to seek technological tools that standardize and simplify their processes that control and help identify critical processes. Information technologies are a valuable tool that when properly implemented to help organizations grow, either by reducing non-productive processes, or the ability to do more with less and the reality is information technologies that give corporate managers control and current and accurate information about what is happening in their organizations According to studies of Bloor Research and Pricewaterhouse Coopers errors in information for decision-making cost between $ 10,000 ...
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